Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 25. Battle Worn
Plink. Plink. Plink. Blare. Signal. Blare. The numerous clamors of the machines were gradually advancing down the corridor towards room four-goodness eight. Feelings were flooding me, my body not knowing which ones to perceive. Alice was looking at me with trepidation, the future evident in her psyche. You're not going to like this. Alice stood up and paced to and fro, getting fretful with the gradualness of the medical attendant pushing Bella down the corridor. I was all the while standing, my hand unflinchingly on the entryway, reluctant to open it, terrified of what I'll see. I dove into her brain for just a small amount of one moment to see that Bella was snared to such a large number of machines it nearly made her appear as though she was a type of mechanical contraption or creation. My numerous strings of thought were lost when I got an aroma that was new to me, yet I knew it no different. I at long last yanked on the entryway, hurling it open to see Carlisle strolling discreetly behind the medical attendant, a depressed view his face. My eyes overlooked him and everything else that was going on around the bustling medical caretakers' station. The main room I had in my cerebrum at the present time, in my heart, was for the valuable soul laying in the bed, thumped and fight worn. Taking in a full breath, I attempted to discover the aroma that would promise me that she was still Bella, still okay†¦still mine. Be that as it may, the aroma was off, wrong†¦possibly profane. For a second I thought there was a major issue with me, that possibly my cerebrum was tricking me†¦tricking me, my very own simple result mental development. Perhaps an awesome thought ?C like her blood at long last was unappealing to me. Shaking my head, I understood the main aroma on the planet I wanted for right presently was her fragrance, her human, very Bella fragrance. My eyes followed a red cylinder from her arm up to a dark red sack. Blood. Not any blood, yet human blood. Staying there ?C for the taking. In any case, the fragrance was off, offensive†¦extremely disagreeable. Overlooking the now mistaken smell drifting off of her, I focused all over, her bandages†¦her wrist. My teeth naturally gripped so hard that if steel somehow happened to meet them it would be torn fifty-fifty. James. Pushing my furious musings aside, I took myself back to the heavenly attendant, the magnificence that was lying in this bed, oblivious and broken. At seeing her my furthest points felt like they were going numb. She was broken. I broke her. The medical attendant had at long last ensured she was snared to all the suitable machines, that everything was working effectively before checking her heartbeat and her temperature. Carlisle and Bella's primary care physician were remaining outside the entryway talking. I was scarcely focusing on the discussion, deciding to pick catchphrases from their brains. She'll be fine. Likely another 16 ounces of blood. Impermanent restoratively initiated unconsciousness until she mends more. My head gobbled up. Trance like state? †¦ Coma? What? I went after Bella's hand, carrying it to my lips, kissing her delicately, stroking her face. Naturally I started to attempt to test her brain, despite the fact that I realized the exertion was pointless. Perhaps I could venture into her mind, pull out her considerations. Did she pardon me? Is it safe to say that she was alright? How was the agony? Quiet. Dread foamed like corrosive in my stomach. The main thing that somewhat alleviated my excited nerves was her warmth†¦her beat noticeable all around, on my skin. I was seeing things, viewing Bella from two distinct perspectives, mine and Alice's. How loathsome. She couldn't have cared less much for the blood being constrained into Bella's veins either. We both kept on watching Bella's check's delicately turn a hint of pink as the blood whirled under her unmistakable skin. Consistently the torment at her messed up body lashed at me. I attempted to frame a charm, to make it so we could mysteriously change puts; that I could feel the torment, that it was me lying there oblivious. To figure how this could have occurred, how she was nearly decreased to ash†¦to a cold and red hot passing. The image of a fleshless Bella entered my brain and the sentiment of nauseate was available on my tongue. Each subsequent I had a feeling that I was getting passionate disturbed. I required an outlet, some approach to center my considerations. Thump. Thump. Thump. I whipped around to see Alice flipping a little video in her grasp. Disdain started rising to the surface. Without speculation I adjusted on her. â€Å"What occurred? How could you let this occur? Bella†¦Ã¢â‚¬ my voice was excessively accusatory. My antagonistic vibe started expanding noticeable all around, gradually devouring me. Alice ventured back two stages before plunking down. She set her head in her minuscule hands and exceptionally calm wails got away from her lips. The evening's occasions were at last getting up to speed to her. â€Å"After you loaded onto the plane†¦I saw it. Bella, in the expressive dance studio. I saw it all†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She gazed toward me as her eyes shimmered with unshed tears, tears that could never come. â€Å"I†¦I didn't understand it was on the grounds that she intended to meet him.†â€Å"You left her alone with Jasper? Seriously†¦Jasper? Please Alice!†I kept my voice low, not having any desire to agitate anybody outside this room. â€Å"Jasper can deal with himself,†she cut across me. â€Å"Maybe she hadn't totally decided, however when she did, she was at that point on her feet, running towards the exit. When this future introduced itself to me I realized I'd be too late.†She taken in a brisk breath, attempting to quiet her nerves. â€Å"She composed a letter to her mother. It was still in my grasp. On a hunch I opened it. That is the point at which I practically ran into you. Edward†¦ I'm†¦I'm so sorry.†â€Å"Not as sorry as I am,†I scarcely murmured. My indignation had left as fast as it had gone ahead. Sorry†¦ â€Å"It's not your issue, it's mine.†I murmured. I went to take myself back to Bella. My eyes followed each wound, each knock and each darkened spot. Each subsequent minimal calm blasts of torment were ejecting through my body. Presently, like never before, I was strikingly mindful of her delicate, weak body. How is this your deficiency? Alice tested. â€Å"If it wasn't for me, she could never be in this medical clinic. She would be securely in Forks, likely having a pleasant supper with her dad. Instead†¦she's here, broken†¦comatose.†Her arm folded over my shoulder. â€Å"No, this is his fault.†She waved the tape before me. â€Å"Do you need to perceive what Bella was talking about?†I took a gander at Bella and afterward saw Alice, giving her an arguing look. â€Å"Carlisle,†Alice brought behind her. â€Å"Excuse me, Dr. Jones.†Carlisle said affably. â€Å"Yes, obviously. I'll mind Ms. Swan later,†Dr. Jones reacted. Carlisle walked into the room. â€Å"Alice?†â€Å"Carlisle, if you don't mind, kindly remain with Bella while Edward and I watch this tape?†He investigated her to see my face. I wasn't looking, my face was steadfastly centered around Bella, my point of convergence, the one I valued, cherished and worshiped over all others. No, I wasn't leaving this room. â€Å"You folks go ahead,†I waved them away. Alice heaved softly. â€Å"I'll watch it outside the hospital.†You can simply watch it through my psyche. â€Å"Okay,†I addressed flatly. The two of them left me, not another idea in their psyches about my choice. Carlisle had definitely realized that I wouldn't walk out on her. Not at the present time, not when she required me like never before. Dread rippled in my chest at the idea of what she may figure when she wakes. Would this be what at long last makes her snap? Another sharp wound of agony prickled my internal parts. Bella kept on lying there, quiet and still†¦unmoving aside from her minuscule chest developments. There was a light riveted on the entryway before the Doctor strolled in with his clipboard close by. I rose, hand out. â€Å"I'm Edward Cullen. Much thanks to you for dealing with her.†I talked respectfully, more appreciative than he will ever know or comprehend. Love. â€Å"Yes, obviously. My pleasure. Dr. Cullen needed me to stop in and clarify what will occur with her next.†â€Å"Yes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I squeezed. Enthusiastic chap, right? â€Å"She has numerous wounds. Her skull is cracked, she has a few broken ribs and her leg was gravely disfigured, however we had the option to fix that with medical procedure. A couple of pins will hold her bone set up until it heals,†he replied while taking her vitals. â€Å"Why isn't she waking up?†I persuaded, attempting to get him to get to the unconsciousness part. â€Å"Yes, well, due to the broad harm I have deliberately had her set in an incapacitated state to enable her to recuperate. I don't know to what extent she should be in a state of extreme lethargy. It could be a day, it could be a few. Try not to stress, she'll be okay.†Clumsy young lady. You ain't joking, I thought. â€Å"Well, thank you, Dr. Jones.†He gestured once and left the entryway. He had great planning, in light of the fact that when he shut the entryway an idea burst through my brain. Edward! Focus! I'm going to watch this video. Alice yelled from her head. They found a string to plug into one of their PCs and were sitting outside in our vehicle that Jasper brought back for us to utilize. This will be difficult to watch, child. It would be ideal if you keep your cool. Carlisle cautioned. Sitting, I pulled Bella's hand over into mine. To watch this video, I realized I would need to feel her glow to remind me she was as yet alive, that she was still with me†¦even on the off chance that she was oblivious. Watching her activities like they were my own, Alice's finger gradually showed up in my vision as she squeezed the play button. I felt an ache of anxiety. Going with my musings were Alice's and Carlisle's. A face showed up on the screen. James. I took in a substantial breath, setting myself up for the surge of pain†¦torture that watching this will cause me. Where it counts, I most likely have the right to watch this, to make me see what I did to her. â€Å"Edward, I'm so sorry we were unable to meet today, yet I have an earlier arrangement
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Aurora Borealis
Aurora Borealis In 1921 Pierre Gassendi was the individual who named the shaded light in the sky Aurora Borealis. Aurora originates from the goddess of sunrise and borealis originates from the lord of the north wind, which in Latin mean Boreas. Another name for them is the Northern Light. Gold country is one of not many to have the benefit to see them. Operating at a profit and white picture by William R. Norton, in the Yukon Territory shows Aurora Borealis. In this image it show a great deal of trees, day off a solitary lodge, no waterway, no apparatuses, yet it looks like a light was on taking a gander at the window.The Aurora Borealis is a wide spread of a white contrasted with the sky which is dark. The trees influence as the breeze as it passes up. This image is an image that clarifies how the upper north is the place it is more clear. In a provincial region in a quiet setting an excellent thing occur. It is something each Alaskan needs to see as well as everybody needs to see. The excellence that science can bring to this world is astonishing. As individuals stand or sit in stunningness of the view, they take in each second that they have.This picture will be picture that can and will perpetually advise us that our reality/earth is a lovely, a spot worth living in. Have encountered the northern light ordinarily previously, I sincerely can say it never get old. Each and ever time it is another experience for me. Seeing the shading and the manner in which they move is stunning. I recall one time I was at my lodge and we saw them moving outside. So my family went out to appreciate them my great dad â€Å" said watch as they move significantly more as I whistle. As he whistled they moved more when he halted they eased back down.TO me it was astonishing. TO me this seeing Aurora Borealis was astonishing. I have consistently thought about how it occur so I discovered. The same number of individuals wonder how Aurora Borealis show up. Studies reason that Aurora Borealis happen when profoundly charged electron from sun oriented breeze connect with the earth’s air. The sun powered breeze originates from the sun at 1 million miles for each hour. Following 40 hours they at long last arrive at earth. When in earth’s climate they follow the line of attractive power. The hues shock individuals. The hues are so splendid and quieting and distinctive each time.You see the shading blue is the point at which an iota is struck somewhere in the range of 20 to 60 miles in height. The shading green is somewhere in the range of 20 to150 miles in elevation. Purple is seen when is over 60 miles in elevation. In conclusion red, and that just on the off chance that it over 150 miles in elevation. Title: Aurora Borealis. Northern Light, Selkirk, Y. T. Creator: William R. Norton Circa: 1890-1920 Aurora_Borealis_Northern_Lights_Selkirk_YT. jpg http://ancienthistory. about. com/od/articulations/g/AuroraBorealis. htm http://science. howstuffworks. co m/nature/atmosphere climate/air/question471. htm
Resistance to Civil Government by Henry David Thoreau Research Paper
Protection from Civil Government by Henry David Thoreau - Research Paper Example For this situation, the general public is answerable for picking the pioneers. The pioneers have a duty to guarantee the individuals are ensured consistently. For this situation, the administration should just take part in exercises that are to the enthusiasm of the individuals and not something else. For the situation, the legislature isn't doing what it should do, the general public has the option to ignore the administration and even remove that specific government and choose pioneers they accept would take care of their inclinations. Thoreau is one of the individuals who were not reluctant to do common noncompliance. He would not pay charges to the legislature since it was engaged with exercises that don't bolster the standards of a decent government. The American government-upheld subjugation and was additionally associated with war with Mexico due to Texas. In Thoreau’s see, the American government was on an inappropriate. He addressed whether governments truly do what t hey should do with the expenses they raise. Do they fund the great or the terrible? Supporting persecuting exercises like servitude demonstrated to Thoreau that the American government was most likely not making the best choice and was not utilizing the cash well (Thoreau 25). As indicated by him, charges ought not be paid to the national government on the off chance that they must be paid. Rather, they ought to be paid to the neighborhood network that would be liable for the improvement of the framework and pleasantries in the nearby locale. Thoreau additionally expresses that the administration ought to be quick to tune in to the individuals it rules. For the situation, issues are raised, the administration ought to impart back and address the issues raised. Thoreau guaranteed that there were numerous individuals against servitude and Mexican war yet the administration sat idle. On the off chance that the American government was truly worried about Americans and worked according t o the way of thinking, at that point it ought to have tuned in to the individuals and halted subjection and the Mexican War (Thoreau 29). Thoreau was downright that individuals ought to be extremely cautious with their points of view on the legislature. He contends that supporting government is something worth being thankful for yet should possibly be bolstered in the event that it popularity based and just. Then again, supporting a legislature that isn't simply or acceptable is actually, carrying out a wrongdoing. As per Thoreau, crooked government is known to carry out numerous criminals’ exercises like servitude in the United States and Mexican war or abusing the minorities. Individuals supporting low government are likewise engaged with crimes in a roundabout way. This can make an individual to have an overwhelming weight on an inappropriate doings and shameful acts the administration does. Thoreau expressed that he was unable to perceive his administration which he named as slave government as it executed subjection. He is clear cut that supporting a legislature doesn't vital mean declaring faithfulness to the administration. Or maybe, it includes supporting the legislature through assessments. Thoreau addressed whether the legislature truly utilizes the cash for a decent course utilizing the Mexican war for instance. Cash was spent in the war and it was from the expenses the productive members of society of the nation had paid. Not supporting the legislature is quit covering charges, which would some way or another be utilized for an inappropriate reasons. Warriors and others, that are the apparatus to execute the unreasonable exercises, should decline to work for the administration (Thoreau 57). While this has not occurred in numerous nations, a few governments have attempted to guarantee that the interests of the individuals are tended to as needs be. On the
Friday, August 21, 2020
Vocalize Your Essay - Learn the Vocabulary For Writing Essays
Vocalize Your Essay - Learn the Vocabulary For Writing EssaysIf you want to increase your chances of passing your English Literature exam, your first consideration should be finding out more about vocabulary for writing essays. How do you make it, or make yourself, the best writer possible? It is important that you know what words and phrases you will be using in your essays, as this will help you speak clearly and freely, as well as keep your readers hooked. The word and phrase lists you create will determine how well you can express yourself and will show your ability to communicate in a clear and concise manner.Understanding the proper use of vocabulary will help you to develop good writing habits. If you read and re-read your work several times, you will start to develop a vocabulary that you can use when writing. This is an essential step in becoming a great writer.E.L. Cummings put it best in his book, 'Good Writing.' He wrote, 'To acquire the means to make a good essay, a man must first know how to construct good sentences.'Using the correct grammar is another way to boost your vocabulary for writing essays. Proper grammar and punctuation all go hand in hand when you are creating a sentence. Correct spelling and grammar make your sentence seem clearer and your reader will understand much easier when they read it. Just a little practice when using proper grammar will help you learn how to construct a sentence using all the correct grammar and sentence terminologies, and this can help you improve your writing over time.Using the correct vocabulary and grammar goes along with the ideas that you are trying to convey in your essay. You need to be able to establish the relationship between the words and ideas that you are attempting to convey in the essay. Using words correctly is an art form, but it can be learned.Vocabulary is like an arsenal of weapons. When you have a vocabulary that you can use in your essay, your students will be able to talk confidently and effectively, just like you. Even if they are struggling with certain words and phrases, they will still be able to get their point across when they use vocabulary properly.E.L. Cummings said, 'Spelling is the first step toward becoming a proficient writer.' Make sure that you don't forget important words when you are writing and that you are using the right ones.Start practicing now by creating and completing some vocabulary for writing essays. Find an example of a sentence that you would like to revise, then study it and see how many times you would use the correct vocabulary for writing essays. Once you start practicing using the correct vocabulary for writing essays, you will notice that your vocabulary becomes better, your diction improves, and your essays become clearer and more efficient.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Language And Communication For Technology Example
Language And Communication For Technology Example Language And Communication For Technology â€" Assignment Example > The Touchscreen/Swipe TechnologyIntroductionFirst came the iPhones, then the iPod and now the unmatched creativity at Apple Inc, has come up with the pioneering technology of the iPad. An iPad is an electronic device that experts have defined as a series of tablet mini-computers that is designed for the purposes of audio-visual application such as movies, computer games, and music and so on (Carlson, 2012). By size and perhaps weight, this piece of innovation does not exceed the ordinary iPhone or mini laptop computers. It has a virtual on-screen keyboard in place of the otherwise bulky physical keyboard. The invention of the iPad has been described as: going the extra mile in the world of technology. The operating system used on the iPhone is the very one used by the iPad. There is no iPhone application that cannot run on the iPad. The thing that has the brain of the layman to the world of mystery is the way in which the touch screen of the iPad works. So the topic of debate has been how exactly does the touch screen technology work, and what is the significance of the technology in the world today? This essay is written in an attempt to answer in part the issue in question. An overview of the iPad touch screen/swipe technologyThe touch screen is fast replacing manual hardware such as the physical keyboard and the computer mouse as well as the joysticks that have been in use for as long as computers have been. The first ever touch screen technology was brought into being by one E. A Johnson in the United Kingdom in 1971. This is the same technology that has undergone improvements to be used in the contemporary smart phones. The biggest improvement of the technology of touch screen was pioneered by Apple Inc. The reasoning behind the way a touch screen works is not easy to understand but can be explained in a simple form to make sense. The touch screen is an electronic layer of very thin slides that are sensitive to touch and light. These sensors locate the position of a person’s finger through detecting the inconsistency in the strata of slides (Cohen et al, 2011). The screen is linked to the set of programs within the iPad so as to execute instructions upon touch. When the screen senses contact, it sends a signal to the appropriate program. The program to which the signal is sent depends on which display mode the iPad was in during the contact. It is no puzzle then why touching the screen when in numeric mode, a number will appear on the screen. The design adopted by the apple company is a multi-interface display that enables a user to operate various applications at once. The iPad has a very sensitive and powerful Wi-Fi that is capable of linking to local area networks of 3G and 4G. The visual clarity and audio brilliance of this piece of pioneering technology make it an outstanding innovation. Its internet connection has such outstanding features as censorship (Mazo Trautschold, 2012). For instance most pornographic sites can not be accessed through the device. As such it serves the function of preventing moral decay.
Friday, June 26, 2020
The Dehumanization of Bartleby - Literature Essay Samples
The narrator and Bartleby principle characters of Herman Melvilles Bartleby, the Scrivener are opposite sides of the same coin. Their perspectives and connections to life seem to be similar. However, the narrator thrives in the post-revolutionary, post-industrial, capitalistic society. Bartleby, oppositely, wastes away in it. Bartlebys humanity is stripped away from him which eventually kills him. Bartleby is the byproduct of this new America; the narrator is the would-be product. The choices of the narrator limit his perspective. Hes unaware how figuratively and physically surrounded by walls he is. One of his windows has a view of the white wall of the interiors of a spacious skylight shaft (1088). This view being somewhat deficient in what landscape painters call lifethe other end of [his] chambers offera contrast.an unobstructed view of a lofty brick wall(1088). He even calls this configuration a huge square cistern (1087) a receptacle for holding rain, stagnant, or sewage wa ter. He is walled-in and drowning in his life and yet cannot see it. This blind acceptance of capitalism, the new notions of work get paid and die, this easy life is what Melville is criticizing. Melvilles narrator is nothing but an unambitious lawyer, (1087) perfectly suited to his life in the newly emerging corporate America. In this America people are moving away from the self-sustaining lifestyles of farming and taking mind numbing jobs such as being a ScrivenerThe narrator is convinced the easiest way of life is the best (1087). Nothing [turbulent]energetic [or] nervous [has he] ever suffered to invade [his] peace (1088). The narrator is a safe man (1087) incapable of understanding hardships or his fellow man. He believes in the Four Cardinal Humors, and only understands superficial appearances. He talks of Turkey as though Turkey is a furnace. After twelve oclock Turkey is blazed like grate full of Christmas coals his face flamed with augmented blazonry as if cannel coal had been heaped on anthracite (1088). While these are the effects of a few beers at lunch hour, the narrator can not make connect those beers to coping mechanisms for this job. Nippers out ward frustrations with his job are evident in that he [can] never get his table to suit him(1089). While the narrator is aware that Nippers wants to be rid of the scriveners table altogether(1089) it is not because of the lousy job, it is because Nippers suffers from the evil powers [of] ambition (1089). Within the realm of capitalistic ideology a employer realistically can not be completely empathetic to his employee. Priority goals of making money are in conflict with a completely content staff. The narrator is simply unable to empathize with his staff making him perfectly suited to his position. Bartleby and the narrator seem incomplete. Looking at the Four Cardinal Humors, as the narrator does, Bartleby is ruled primarily by Sanguine and Melancholic. Sanguines surrender themselves in a way to a va ried flow of images and sensations. Melancholic peoples feel they are not master over their body; the physical body is in control. Melancholics experience this lack of control as pain or feelings of despondency . Bartleby, being that he is walled up, cannot be exposed an array of images and sensations that would sustain him. Bartlebys body, being outside his control, fails; therefore he prefers not to do any more that would conform to the scrivener position and his fading. The narrator is flexible, adaptable, and well suited to his environment. He is predominantly ruled by the Choleric humor giving him force of will, enabling his authority in this microcosm and the Phlegmatic humor, the more etheric of the humors. The Phlegmatic humor focuses the narrators attention to his inner world allowing him to remain oblivious to the walls and pains of his outer world. By dividing humanity into its parts, its sum, and attributes the capitalist society has stripped each of these men of their humanity. Bartleby is particularly destroyed. He wafts about the office devoid of life. Bartleby is pallidly neat, pitiably respectable, incurably forlorn(1091). He appears dimly calm [with nothing] ordinarily human about him(1092), and like a very ghost at the entrance of his hermitage (1095). Bartleby lives in a death-like state because he cannot see images of life through the walls enforced on him.In the world Melville is criticizing a man does his work, gets his pay, and dies at the end of a long fruitless life. The tendency is to remove humanity from people. Melville dehumanizes his characters by making them the sum of their titles and attributed. Bartleby, insofar as he is understood, is a scrivener: a human photocopier. His fading is the fading of strengths within men and the dismissal of natural gifts. It is a byproduct of this new America. Bartleby is only a Scrivener joining the narrators corps of copyists(1091) and is regimented even by language. The narrator brings him into the office and surrounds him by walls in a tiny cubical. While the narrator does [place] his desk close up to a small side-window, that window [commands]no view at all (1091). Furthermore, the narrator makes every effort to remove Bartleby from his sight, conforming to ideals of privacy and society (1091). Bartleby industriously becomes a machine, [writing] on silently, palely, mechanically (1091). As Bartleby slowly degrades into his inanimate state preferring to do less and less, the narrator even starts to see him as office furnishings. Bartleby becomes harmless and noiseless as any old chair(1104). By the end Bartleby dose nothing but shut down; his final sleep, with kings and counselors (1111).Bartleby and the narrator seem to have been born into their lives: an unabitious lawyer, a scrivener: an employer, an employee. However, Bartleby is aware of the tediums on both sides of the wall. The narrator comes to notice how intolerable his own walls are. By the end of Ba rtlebys life the narrator seems uncomfortable in the role he once fit into. He comes to understand what this life can do to a man. He becomes whole. Speaking of Bartlebys past he says on errands of life, these letters speed to death (1111). The narrator takes the role of the hero, understanding character of the masonry weighed upon [him] with its gloom (1110). Walls are no longer glorious, and no longer surround him. His office has changed. His perspective has changed. Bartlebys are gone.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Metal Jewelry Stamps Marks
Jewelry made from precious metals often is stamped with a mark to indicate the chemical composition of the metal. A quality mark contains information about metal content that appears on an article. It is usually stamped or inscribed on the piece. There is considerable confusion about the meaning of quality marks that are seen on jewelry and other items. Here is some information that will de-mystify terms such as plated, filled, sterling, and others.​ Gold Quality Marks karat, carat, Karat, Carat, Kt., Ct., K, C Gold is measured in karats, with 24 karats being 24/24ths gold or pure gold. A 10 karat gold item contains 10/24ths gold, a 12K item is 12/24ths gold, etc. Karats may be expressed using a decimal figure, such as .416 fine gold (10K). The minimum allowable quality for karat gold is 9 karats. Karats are not to be confused with carats (ct.), which are a unit of gemstone mass. One carat weighs 0.2 gram (1/5 of a gram or 0.0007 ounce). A hundredth of a carat is called a point. Gold Filled and Rolled Gold Plate gold filled, G.F., doublà © dor, rolled gold plate, R.G.P., plaquà © dor laminà © The quality mark for gold filled is used for an article (except optical frames, watch cases, hollowware, or flatware) consisting of a base metal to which a sheet of at least 10 karat gold has been bonded. Additionally, the weight of the gold sheet must be at least 1/20th the total weight of the item. The quality mark may specify the ratio of the weight of the gold in the article to the total weight of the article as well as a statement of the quality of the gold expressed in karats or decimals. For example, a mark of 1/20 10K G.F. refers to a gold filled article that consists of 10 karat gold for 1/20th of its total weight. Rolled gold plate and gold filled may utilize the same manufacturing process, but the gold sheet used in rolled gold usually is less than 1/20th the total weight of the article. The sheet must still be at least 10 karat gold. Like gold filled articles, the quality mark used for rolled gold plate articles may include a weight ratio and a statement of quality (for example, 1/40 10K R.G.P.). Gold and Silver Plate gold electroplate, gold plated, G.E.P., electroplaquà © dor or or plaquà ©, silver electroplate, silver plate, silver plated, electroplaquà © dargent, plaquà © dargent, or the abbreviations of these terms The quality marks for gold-plated indicate that an article has been electroplated with gold of at least 10 karats. The quality marks for silver plated indicate that an article has been electroplated with silver of at least 92.5% purity. There is no minimum thickness required for silver plated or gold plated articles. Silver Quality Marks silver, sterling, sterling silver, argent, argent sterling, abbreviations of these terms, 925, 92.5, .925 The quality marks or a decimal figure may be used on articles containing a minimum of 92.5% pure silver. Some metals may be called silver when, in fact, they are not (except in coloration). For example, nickel silver (also known as German silver) is an alloy consisting of about 60% copper, about 20% nickel, about 20% zinc, and sometimes about 5% tin (in which case the alloy is called alpaca). There is no silver at all in German/nickel/alpaca silver or in Tibetan silver. Vermeil vermeil or vermil The quality marks for vermeil are used on articles made of silver of at least 92.5 percent purity and plated with gold of at least 10 karats. No minimum thickness is required for the gold plated portion. Platinum and Palladium Quality Marks platinum, plat., platine, palladium, pall. The quality marks for platinum are applied to articles composed of at least 95 percent platinum, 95 percent platinum and iridium, or 95 percent platinum and ruthenium. The quality marks for palladium are applied to articles composed of at least 95 percent palladium, or 90 percent palladium and 5 percent platinum, iridium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium or gold.
Monday, May 18, 2020
A Report On The Biggest Foreign Investment - 1371 Words
This essay is the analysis of one of the biggest foreign investment in Australia in mining sector. In analysing the case, essay explains how the relationship between government and business can be seen in this investment deal. This investment deal has gained much attention in Australia as it may have substantial environmental effects. This investment will have the sole control of a foreign company and will have big environmental effects, so has come under scanner. The first part of the essay explains the overview of the case and second part of the essay discusses the theoretical concepts that can be associated with the case. The recent investment of Adani Group (An Indian Energy Company) in Australian mining sector will have the control†¦show more content†¦The business-government relationship has three major elements: competition, cooperation, and Coopertition. These elements can be seen from the game theory (study of strategic decision making) perspectives where the effects of these elements on each other can be improved. The relationship between government and business is highly dependent on how the government can provide the stable set of rules for business, so business can adapt to the changing conditions and can act within the rules. For example the competition paradigm of business-government relationship can be seen in financial market where government does not allow the merger of four major banks of Australia (Chaudhri, Samson Kerin, 2000). In the era of globalization where business are competing to attain the bottom line, it has become very important to provide business an environment of set rules and regulation so they can operate in longer term and the cost of adapting the new rules is not very high. If government changes the business rules frequently, it makes the country an undesirable destination for companies (Hampson Morgan, 1998). Adani will have the control over the mine for next sixty years, which is good attempt by government to provide an environment to the company to
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain - 1287 Words
Breia Diaz Dr. Rogers ENGL 242 19 December 2014 Identity in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Identity is something that sets us apart from each other. Personal identity is something that many, if not everyone searches for in life. Identity answers the questions, who are you and what do you stand for. When discovering a personal identity, one is able to find out why they are the way they are. The developing and changing personal identity of Huckleberry Finn in this iconic story is something that is very well worth focusing on. Though the most obvious theme in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is race and the issues it causes in society, the discovery and search for one’s true identity is also a very prevalent and central theme in this often controversial piece of literature. In Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck is helping his new friend, a runaway slave named Jim to escape. While helping Jim to escape to freedom in the north, Huck discovers his identity as well as learning more about Jim’s ide ntity. This is also the first time that Huck’s identity discovery makes any progress. He feels as though he is sinning by helping Jim. He really has no idea that his actions are actually much better and more kind than any of anyone else as Jim is a runaway slave. Though Jim is painted as the typical black slave upon initial introduction, his identity is much deeper than that. Jim is full of emotion and is very good person. Typically, slaves were not supposed toShow MoreRelatedThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain830 Words  | 3 PagesThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is â€Å"A Great American Novel†, because of its complexity and richness. Twain writes dialogue that brings his characters to life. He creates characters with unique voice and helps the reader connect to the book. Anyone who reads it is forced to develop feelings for each character. Even though there is a great amount of controversy over the use of some choices, such as the â €Å"n word†, it makes the book more realistic. In the beginning of the novel Huck,Read MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1103 Words  | 5 PagesDmitri Van Duine Jr English Mr. Nelson November 27th The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Written by Mark Twain filled his stories with many examples of satire as to convey a message while also writing an interesting story. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn revolves around the adventures of a young boy called Huckleberry Finn, who is about thirteen years old. Tom Sawyer is Huck’s best friend and around the same age as Huck. He is onlyRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain Essay1055 Words  | 5 PagesZambrano Mrs. Patmor AP Lit-Period 5 28 September 2016 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1835 Mark Twain embodies realism in almost every aspect of his writing not excluding The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which in he portrays such a lifelike setting that it almost gives you this sense of reality through the point of view of a young man that has an urge for freedom yet struggles to conform to society s norms due to his adolescence. Twain s ability to unmask the true identities of the charactersRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain931 Words  | 4 PagesWolski Mrs. Goska English 2H Period 3 22 October 2014 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mob mentality is the way an individual’s decisions become influenced by the often unprincipled actions of a crowd. Mark Twain penned The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Twain grew up in America’s southern states during the early 1800’s, a time in which moral confusion erupted within the minds of humans. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn s protagonist is a young boy named Huck who freely travels alongRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1375 Words  | 6 Pagesmention the years spent growing and maturing physically. Teenagers are stuck in an inbetween state where they must learn who they want to become and what they want to be when they grow older. The same is true for Huckleberry Finn, from the book â€Å"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†by Mark Twain. This is a book that was written in a time of great confusion over moral codes and standards. It was a world split in half by two different worlds of people; those who opposed, a nd those who promoted slavery.Read MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain2083 Words  | 9 PagesSatire in Huckleberry Finn In the novel â€Å"The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn†by Mark Twain, we are told a story about a young boy and his slave companion’s journey down the Mississippi River and all of their encounters with other characters. Twain constructed a beautiful narrative on how young Huck Finn, the protagonist in the story, learns about the world and from other adult characters, how he is shaped into his own person. At the time this book was made however, this novel provided serious socialRead MoreMark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn1575 Words  | 6 Pages Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Controversy Mark Twain, born Samuel Langhorne Clemens, is a highly recognizable figure in American literature. Born in Florida, Missouri Mark Twain and his family moved to Hannibal, Missouri where Twain discovered and fell in love with the mighty Mississippi River. The river and his life in Hannibal became his inspiration and guiding light in most of his writing. Although Twain loved the river and did a great deal of traveling, he eventuallyRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1005 Words  | 5 Pages In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain in the 19th century is about a young boy named Huck Finn and Jim, a runaway slave who go on an adventure. The two travel on a raft along the Mississippi river creating a bond and making memories. Mark Twain presents Huckleberry Finn as a dynamic character who at first views Jim as property and eventually considers Jim as a friend, showing a change in maturity. In the beginning of the book, Huck Finn clearly sees Jim as nothing more thanRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain1335 Words  | 6 Pagesyear The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is placed in the top ten banned books in America. People find the novel to be oppressing and racially insensitive due to its frequent use of the n-word and the portrayal of blacks as a Sambo caricature. However, this goes against Mark Twain’s intent of bringing awareness to the racism in America. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is classified under the genre of satire and is narrated by a fictional character named Huckleberry Finn. The novelRead MoreThe Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain810 Words  | 4 PagesBefore Mark Twain started to write two of his most famous novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark was known to use his characters to display his own thoughts and opinions. â€Å"This device allowed him to s ay just about anything he wanted, provided he could convincingly claim he was simply reporting what others had said.†(Twain, 1283). Mark Twain used this process to be a foundation of his lectures, by manipulating his popularly with his readers. During the story
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Keep Pushing On Cheryl Strade - 966 Words
It was as if she was born again, seeing the light for the first time since the tragedy of her mother’s death. By hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, Cheryl Strade was able to push aside her grief and continue living out her life, pursuing her hopes and dreams. Though she made shameful decisions, making her look even more weak in the darkest moment of her life, in the end, Strade is a strong-minded and strong-willed human being; who shows great strength fighting through her grief. A strong-human being finds a way to keep pushing on, and that is exactly what Cheryl Strayed did. By hiking the PCT, she proved how much strength she really possesses, regardless of the shameful actions she took to get there. Cheryl Strayed was twenty-two when she†¦show more content†¦It was the steadfast decision to hike the Pacific Crest Trail that saved Cheryl Strade’s life, getting her back to her feet and rising to the strength she once had. It was the start to her new life, as if she was truly born again. Before Strayed ventured off toward the PCT, she felt prepared with her huge case full of supplies she called â€Å"monster.†But on the first day, she soon realized, she was not at all prepared; just as she was not at all prepared for her mother’s death. Prepared or not, Strade kept herself going, in both situations. She used the death of her mother to ease the pain of anything the PCT had to throw at her, to somewhat motivate herself to keep pushing on, regardless of the low odds that were against her to finish the PCT. â€Å"...the death of my mother was the right thing that made me believe the most deeply in my safety: nothing bad could happen to me, I thought. The worst thing already had.†(Strayed 29) Cheryl Strayed was wrong, however. Though the death of her mother prepared her for the emotional pain the PCT causes, it in no way prepared her for the physical pain it causes. The Pacific Crest Trail is a 2,650 mile span from Mexico to Canada, ranging through three Western states: California, Oregon, and Washington. It is not the first
Albrecht durer Free Essays
When and where did Udder work? Durra worked during the middle ages, and lived in Murderer during what we know recognize as its golden age. 2. Who and what was an influence on his artwork? In 1494, Udder traveled to Italy to study art, Udder was heavily influenced by the Italians, and one writer in particular: Vitreous. We will write a custom essay sample on Albrecht durer or any similar topic only for you Order Now Udder was most interested in their efforts to find the mathematical proportions for portraying the perfect figure. One artist Udder drew inspiration from in particular while he was studying in Italy, was Andrea Antenna, an Italian painter fascinated with the element of perspective. But a huge fear that Udder captured and used, as inspiration was the idea of the world coming to an end, the idea of the end of the world was one everyone at the time was obsessed with. Udder seized this idea and ventured out to complete the tedious, and never before completed project of being the first person to both publish and illustrate a book. The task was incredibly complicated, though as a result, Udder invented the printing press, and Udder successfully created the book, which told of both the end, and the new beginning that was to come. 3. What techniques does Udder use? Udder uses the technique of line and texture very frequently in his printing, drawing and paintings. The image to the right shows a drawing by Udder, this drawing features both the techniques of line and texture very clearly, line, being used to create an almost tactile texture of the hands, making them seem real. Why dose he work this way? I believe Udder worked in such a way because it was exactly how the subject looked in real life, he didn’t try and make the hands (in this case) look how people pictured the hands to look, he drew them in the exact way he saw them. What affect dose this have on the portrayal of his subject matter? This has the simple effect of making the drawing look very realistic. Udder also painted many self portraits, some even accuse him as being vein, this realistic method meant that unlike almost every portrait of the time, Udder painted his subject, himself, looking straight at the viewer, stead of doing what most painters did, which was to turn the person three quarters of the way, so the were looking out, and not directly at the viewer. Was it different from his contemporaries? Although Udder was the first of his time to discover and use the printing press, I don’t believe Udder was so different from his contemporaries; he did things that at the time were seen as quite revolutionary, though his art shares many similarities with other artists of his time, such as Lucas Crash. Based on what you can see in the image and your research, in 4 sentences describe the subject matter and the theme of the work. The subject matter of the print includes the horses, and their riders, the horses are all metaphors of what would cause the apocalypse. Another element of the subject matter includes the devastation that the horses are causing. The themes present in the artwork include, the clear theme of death, and also destruction. In 2 sentences describe Duress use of materials and techniques- (placement within the composition, printing method). Be sure to mention where this is evident in the artwork The print is highly intricate, and the use of line which is clearly evident, particularly around the clouds, and at the feet of the horses, giving the effect they are running. Udder uses the element of shape and color to make the print look even and lanced. In 4 sentences discuss what you believe are the most dominant art elements in this work? How is it affected by the art principles? I believe the most dominant art elements in this print are line, texture and color, or in this case shading, the use of color helps to create unity and balance in the print by making it look even and composed. The use of line creates texture, contributing to the presence of contrast in the print. Do you think the use of contrast is important? Why? I do think the use of contrast is important, primarily because the contrast is the actual lines, which make up the print. But also because the contrast helps to form the shapes of the print and separates the different elements of the subject matter. How do you think the formal qualities in conjunction with the subject matter help to create meaning? In your response identify any signs and symbols evident in the work. 8 sentences. The work is deeply metaphoric, the main metaphor in the print is the obvious 4 horses, the horses were seen to be symbols of what would, in the end, end the world, the first horse, the white horse was a symbol for, The second horse, the red horse held a metaphoric symbol for war. The third kings men rode a black horse, which was seen to resemble famine. And the last horse was known as the pale horse, and was named death. At the top of the print there is an angle who’s gown, once elaborate, is now wrecked and seems almost burnt at the bottom. At the bottom of the print you will find people being trampled by the horses, and unluckily for the man in the bottom left corner, it looks as if he is about to be eaten by some kind of fire monster. Efforts to find the mathematical proportions for portraying the perfect figure. One How to cite Albrecht durer, Papers
Market Position of Booktopia Private Limited
Question: Discuss about the Report for Market Position of Booktopia Private Limited. Answer: Introduction Background Booktopia Pty Ltd has seen a downward trend in sales. The company is looking for market trend and digital innovation route to change the position of the company in the market (The Booktopian, 2016). Purpose of Report This report was prepared to evaluate the declining sales of Booktopias books and to look for new digital innovation ideas to augment the sales figure. The report also discusses the current state of the Booktopia and its existing concerns. Suggestions are included for digital innovations/ technology options which may help the company to achieve its target sales. Scope of Report The report is restricted to a discussion of the declining sale of books in Booktopia website. The report includes a market analysis which consists of current market scenario, industry trend, and analysis. Options for digital innovation are explored to increase sales. A suitable value proposition is added in the report. Market Analysis Current market scenario Online book purchasing has revolutionized the manner of reading as the user can buy books from the various online bookstores (Chang, et al., 2016). There has been huge growth in e-commerce and online book market in last few years. As people prefer e-books which can be accessed from anywhere anytime (Yang, et al., 2010). Booktopia has combined new technologies with old technologies, financial and social technology to create flexible and secure online bookstore (The Booktopian, 2016). As per The Booktopian, (2016) Booktopia Pty Ltd runs an online bookstore in Australia. It sells through its online portal books, CDs, DVDs, eBooks, calendars, and several products to Australia citizens, schools, businesses, libraries, universities and government departments. The company is making more than $85 million a year. The online bookstore Booktopia was voted as the Australia's favourite bookshop in a poll conducted by the Australia Booksellers Association (The Booktopian, 2016). The online bookstore is most sought after for book purchasing and when an online bookstore offers the products as per the needs of the customer, it is widely preferred. The Booktopia has become most used online book store in Australia to purchase books online. The company has accommodated the technology and support system to assist the customer via dedicated customer helpline number (Chang, et al., 2016). The rapid growth of sales of books under the Booktopia website has stagnated. The company was the given priority by customers over Amazon as the company offers books at least price. The company is a member of the Australian Booksellers Association (Booksellers.org.au, 2016). Industry Trends and analysis Online bookstores have undergone rapid growth in the last five years. Consumers use to prefer e-commerce transactions more and enjoying online books via delivery (Chang, et al., 2016). According to Gray, (2013) the transformation from bricks-and-mortar retailers to online bookstore have converted into revenue growth for these online retailers like the Booktopia. The decline of traditional book retailers due to parallel import restrictions and regional and overseas online competition has forced many consumers to buy from industry operators (Carrico, 2015). Industry revenue of online bookstore is forecast to grow by a compound annual 14.7 percent over the five years through 2015-16, to reach $115.7 million in 2020-21 (Chang, et al., 2016). As the current trend showing a drop in sales and analysis shows a declining trend in sales. It was found out in the analysis that younger customer segment in the age group of 18 years old to 30 years old which is placing less and fewer orders using the Booktopia (The Booktopian, 2016). The company wants to increase its revenue in the next five years and to become geographically located with an increase in revenue by 20 percent year by year. The current technology used by the company is not enough to fuel the fire of growth company needs to expand (Chen and Cheng, 2012). The company is looking for digital technology and new concepts to further augment the sales to raise revenue and increase its long-term goals. Digital Innovation and Trends As per the view of Gray, (2013)many big brands, retailers and all e-commerce business use the internet as selling and advertising platform in the recent era. Now the sales channel of marketing has become double-digit growth indicators (Yang, et al., 2010). It has become the most useful medium for sales purpose (Carrico, 2015). However, this digital innovation and its growth increase sales revenue of any business. Consumers like to gather information about new products or services every day. They have become time conscious and prefer browsing internet (Carrico, 2015). People are now covered with a digital world that fills with new products, services, and digital innovations. Digital innovation is the latest buzz phrase (Chen and Cheng, 2012). Digital innovation means to carry out of innovative combinations of components- digital and physical for producing novel products. The basic definition of digital innovation is turning paper records into electronic records (Gray, 2013). This change requires data collection, processing, and analysis of the data. After digital media, digital innovation is the next iteration. Digital Innovation is the important source to make consumers life easier, more productive and more enjoyable (Chang, et al., 2016). Many companies recognize that the online marketing or the digital marketing is moving rapidly to the mainstream business. Over the past two decades, the way of shopping has evolved rapidly. People now can shop with clicks (Gray, 2013). Digital innovation makes the consumers more digitally savvy. Speed and sophistication are on the rise for innovative digitization. It lets the social platform to drive the world. Productivity and efficiency rise for digital innovation in recent trends (Yang, et al., 2010). In order to understand the characteristics of digital innovation of recent trends, it is important to know how digital technology differs from previous technologies (Carrico, 2015). Chen and Cheng (2012) have explained that new digital innovation has three unique characteristics: (1) the programmability, (2) the homogenization of data, and (3) the self-referential nature of digital technology The programmability- Digital innovation includes programmability as a digital device is reprogrammable. It can separate the semiotic functional logic of the digital device from the physical embodiment that executes it. The homogenization of data- Digital innovation provides homogenization of data. The self-referential nature of digital technology- The meaning of self-reference is that digital innovation requires the use of digital technology. The recent trends in digital innovation include many new things. Many e-commerce business organization use Snapchat as their advertising platforms. Marketing automation software is used to send mass emails in recent trends (Chang, et al., 2016). There are many mobile-friendly apps that are helpful in digital marketing. Value Proposition Value proposition serves as the base for all the marketing efforts of the company and defines what makes the company different and unique from its competitors. The value proposition of the company should include: Assurance to solve a specific problem or achieve a particular goal Clear description of how the prospective customer will benefit from using your products and services Identifies visible results customers can expect due to using your services Enables the company to offer must-have services and create tempting marketing messages Demonstrates the company lucidly its target customers, what they are looking for and where competitors fall short Carrico (2015) has defined Value proposition solves the problem of a customer or satisfies his needs. Each value proposition includes a selected range of products or services that serve the requirement of a particular customer segment. In this manner, the value proposition is a bundle, or an aggregation, of benefits which a company offers to its customers (Yang, et al., 2010). As the value proposition requires the Booktopia includes in a bundle of benefits, not just one thing. The value proposition of the Booktopia includes: Fast and easy service Cheap delivery charges Huge discount and coupons Gracious return policy Good customer service with full customer helpline Full availability of all types of books, e-books, CDs and DVDs Most trusted online bookstore in Australia Recommendation Following Chen and Cheng, (2012) it can be recommended that Booktopia need to follow certain key aspects to increase the target sales and company growth of the company. In the digitization era, customers become the powerful part of the business (Chang, et al., 2016).The company believes in online reviews. The company should use video reviews or reviews containing product image can work (Yang, et al., 2010). The company can use feedback programs to increase the volume of feedback which is submitted by the customers. The company can introduce sponsored products list as this can make the products to be displayed below search results (Carrico, 2015). The company should give discounts on products if the buyer buys in a bulk. Conclusion The report has analysed the Booktopia declining sales and digital innovation technology to increase revenue. The purpose of this report has been fulfilled by searching new digital innovation technology and providing a clear discussion of how the sales of the company in the young customer market will increase. Digital innovation has unique characteristics of the programmability, the homogenization of data and the self-referential nature of digital technology (Chen and Cheng, 2012). Building a suitable value proposition is very significant for the growth of the company. Booktopia value proposition is prepared in such a manner the target customer will be attracted towards the online bookstore. Fast and easy service with cheaper delivery charges and gracious return policy will be given a warm welcome by the customers. The company can include Snapshot as other e-commerce businesses are using for their advertising platforms. Recommendations such as video reviews and products reviews are given to lure young customer market. Discount on bulk purchase is one of the techniques to attract youth consumer segment. References blog.Booktopia.com.au, 2016. The Booktopian - Booktopia Blog. [Online] Available at: https://blog.Booktopia.com.au/ [Accessed 24 August 2016]. Booksellers.org.au, 2016. About ABA - Australian Booksellers Association. [Online] Available at: https://www.booksellers.org.au/about-aba [Accessed 24 August 2016]. Carrico, S., 2015. Online Book Selling at the Smathers Library Bookstore. Library Resources Technical Services, 49(4), pp. 276-283. Chang, J., Lee, M. Wang, T., 2016. Integrating a semantic-based retrieval agent into case-based reasoning systems: A case study of an online bookstore. Computers in Industry, 78(2), pp. 29-42. Chen, C. Cheng, C., 2012. How online and offline behavior processes affect each other: customer behavior in a cyber-enhanced bookstore. Quality Quantity, 47(5), pp. 2539-2555. Gray, D., 2013. Out of the Box and Into the Bookstore: Non-Traditional Use of the Bookstore. Against the Grain, 15(3), pp. 56-94. Yang, J., Zielinski, A. Cheng, L., 2010. Purchasing college textbook from online e-bookstore: an empirical study. IJMIE, 3(2), pp. 162-174.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Science; Rainforests and Earth The Tropical Rainfo Essay Example For Students
Science; Rainforests and Earth The Tropical Rainfo Essay Science; Rainforests and Earth The Tropical Rainforests of the World In this term paper, I will explain the great importance of the tropical Rainforests around the world and discuss the effects of the tragedy of rainforest destruction and the effect that it is having on the earth. I will talk about the efforts being made to help curb the rate of rainforest destruction and the peoples of the rainforest, and I will explore a new topic in the fight to save the rainforest, habitat fragmentation. Another topic being discussed is the many different types of rainforest species and their uniqueness from the rest of the world. First, I will discuss the many species of rare and exotic animals, Native to the Rainforest. Tropical Rainforests are home to many of the strangest looking and most beautiful, largest and smallest, most dangerous and least frightening, loudest and quietest animals on earth. There are many types of animals that make their homes in the rainforest some of them include: jaguars, toucans, parrots, gorillas, and tarantulas. There are so many fascinating animals in tropical rainforest that millions have not even identified yet. In fact, about half of the worlds species have not even been identified yet. But sadly, an average of 35 species of rainforest animals are becoming extinct every day. So many species of animals live in the rainforest than any other parts of the world because rainforests are believed to be the oldest ecosystem on earth. Some forests in southeast Asia have been around for at least 100 million years, ever since the dinosaurs have roamed the earth. During the ice ages, the last of which occurred about 10,000 years ago, the frozen areas of the North and South Poles spread over much of the earth, causing huge numbers of extinctions. But the giant freeze did not reach many tropical rainforests. Therefore, these plants and animals could continue to evolve, developing into the most diverse and complex ecosystems on earth. The nearly perfect conditions for life also help contribute to the great number of species. With temperatures constant at about 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit the whole year, the animals dont have to worry about freezing during the cold winters or finding hot shade in the summers. They rarely have to search for water, as rain falls almost every day in tropical rainforests. Some rainforest species have populations that number in the millions. Other species consist of only a few dozen individuals. Living in limited areas, most of these species are found nowhere else on earth. For example, the maues marmoset, a species of monkey, wasnt discovered until recently. Its entire tiny population lives within a few square miles in the Amazon rainforest. This species of monkey is so small that it could fit into a persons hand! In a rainforest, it is difficult to see many things other than the millions of insects creeping and crawling around in every layer of the forest. Scientists estimate that there are more than 50 million different species of invertebrates living in rainforests. A biologist researching the rainforest found 50 different of ants on a single tree in Peru! A few hours of poking around in a rainforest would produce several insects unknown to science. The constant search for food , water, sunlight and space is a 24-hour pushing and shoving match. With this fierce competition, it is amazing that that so many species of animals can all live together. But this is actually the cause of the huge number of the different species. The main secret lies in the ability of many animals to adapt to eating a specific plant or animal, which few other species are able to eat. .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .postImageUrl , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:hover , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:visited , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:active { border:0!important; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:active , .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u74d011e17d2bce25b3100850f4554cce:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: F.O.R. Fitness Business Plan Essay An example of such adaptations would be the big beaks of the toucans and parrots. Their beaks give them a great advantage over other birds with smaller beaks. The fruits and nuts from many trees have evolved with a tough shell to protect them from predators. In turn toucans and parrots developed large, strong beaks, which serves as a nutcracker and provides them with many tasty meals. Many animal species have developed relationships with each other that benefit both species. Birds and mammal species love to eat .
Sunday, April 12, 2020
How to Write a Baldwin Sample Essay
How to Write a Baldwin Sample EssayIf you've ever wondered how to write a Baldwin sample essay, you're not alone. The Baldwin Sample Essay contains just about every question that a high school student might have, but it can be difficult to find good information on how to write the essay, especially when you've never done one before.When looking for the best Baldwin sample essay, don't just look online. Make sure you can get hold of the actual essay, so you can edit it and practice it. Online sample essays have a lot of errors and incorrect grammar, so if you're not confident in your skills with the English language, avoid online samples and try to find a professional writer who can do a good job for you.Also, when you're looking for a professional writer, you need to ask them how they designed their Baldwin sample essay. Is it a copy of one that you could find online? It's important to understand how the essay was written and what style they used. A well-designed Baldwin essay should use many different types of style, such as the Harvard style, the Prentice Hall style, or the Princeton Review style.You also need to ask how long the Baldwin sample essay is. Some people design their Baldwin sample essay to be shorter or longer, depending on their own tastes. For example, a Yale School of Medicine style might only contain two paragraphs, while the Iowa school would be longer. Keep in mind that if you are going to create an essay to be shorter, you should use more copy to make up for it.Next, think about how you plan to use your sample essay. Many students use the essays as a source of advice. They use them to help them decide which course to take, which professors to choose, or even which career to pursue. If you're just starting out, youdon't need a very in-depth essay. However, if you already have some experience in a particular field, you might want to look into getting one to answer the questions that you have, for example, if you're a biologist, write about h ow animals use information to survive.There are several different ways to find a professional essay writer for your college essay. If you're having trouble finding a good writer, or if you're just having a hard time deciding which one to choose, you can look at the freelance writing directories. These directories specialize in helping people find great writers and editors who can help them with writing their high school or college essays. By using these directories, you're able to find an editor who can take your piece and edit it to be what you need it to be.The Baldwin Sample Essay is something that all high school students can use but make sure you get a good one. Whether you're a biology major or not, the work should provide you with some useful information that you can use. In fact, you might even enjoy the challenge of writing one! Just make sure you ask the editor if they can allow you to get an advance copy of the essay to edit and practice.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Chester Zoo Essay Example
Chester Zoo Essay Once registered, charities have to obey a number of rules, which include regulations covering trustees, accounts, finances and management. Those that are registered as companies have to comply with company law too. A registered charity is not allowed to have political objectives or take part in political lobbying other than in a generally educational sense. What might happen if it was a business (LTD or PLC)? If Chester Zoo was a business (Ltd or PLC) they would lose numerous customers. Also if they were a business they would have to give money raised out to shareholders so there will be less to spend on the animals. All of the money made by the zoo through entry fees, second spend etc will have to be given out in percentages to the shareholders in the business. So the zoo will not have much money to spend on the animals, this may lead to diseases to the animals and later on deaths. We will write a custom essay sample on Chester Zoo specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Chester Zoo specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Chester Zoo specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The reason why I stated in the paragraph above that if Chester Zoo was a business (Ltd or PLC) they would lose numerous customers is that they really would. This is because if Chester Zoo was a Public Limited Company (plc) the general public will first if all would not give money to the zoo (donations) because the public would think that a plc like Chester Zoo would make millions and wouldnt help any charities so why should they help. But if Chester Zoo was a Charity limited by Guarantee which they currently are, this would be a good thing for them because people always like to help charities and also they know that charities dont get any funding by the government so there is a more likely chance that people would give money to charities more than plcs, Ltd etc. Also limited amounts of capital can be raised. Shares cannot be sold to the public if money was needed quickly because if Chester Zoo were a business and were to make good profits than the current shareholders wont want to sell their shares, this may lead to disruptions and would-be shareholders who would like to invest in the zoo will stop hoping. And when investors are needed for Chester Zoo there wont be any available. Furthermore if Chester Zoo were to be a business shareholders will first have to all agree for a share to be sold otherwise it cannot happen, for example if most of the shareholders at Chester Zoo didnt want one shareholder to be at the zoo, everyone else will have to agree, if they dont the shareholder will still stay. If Chester Zoo had in excess of 100 shareholders it would be very easy for the business to lose control, communication might be sent wrong which may lead to mayhem. As well as easy to lose control of the business, Chester Zoo can be taken over by bids from members of the public; members already at the zoo might not like the fact that an ordinary man or women will become a shareholder in such a massive business. In addition to that people (investors) might not be interested in buying shares as the zoo would be more interested in the welfare of the animals rather that the welfare of the shareholders. For example Chester Zoos Mission Statement is The role of the Zoo is to support and promote conservation by breeding threatened species, by excellent animal welfare, high quality public service, recreation, education and science This statement doesnt say anything about the welfare of shareholders. This may prevent investors from investing into the business as they may assume that they are not part of the Chester Zoo family.
Friday, March 6, 2020
A New Way to Understand the Holocaust essays
A New Way to Understand the Holocaust essays The Holocaust is often expressed as an event that cannot be appropriately described in any language known to the human race. Art Spiegelmans Maus and Maus II tries to overcome this perplexing language barrier by presenting the story of the authors father, a Jewish man who survived the Final Solution, in the format of a graphic novel. Spiegelmans illustrations and dialogue storyline help to capture both his fathers distressing story as well as the personal difficulties he experienced himself as a second generation survivor, so to speak, giving readers a new way to try to understand this dark moment in history. A relatively new medium when the Maus books were first created, the graphic novel has the power to attract a diverse audience. In his books, Spiegelman is telling the story of his father, Vladek, and how his life was affected during the Holocaust. Artie, as his father calls him, gets his father to tell him the story over many visits, and includes in the plot his own feelings about the visits. The drawings follow the plot from the present setting in which his father is actually relating the story to him with lengthy flashbacks to the time during which the events actually took place. The first book is entitled My Father Bleeds History, and relates his fathers life from the mid 1930s to the winter of 1944. And Here my Troubles Began is the second book, which picks up where the first one left off, following Vladeks story through the end of the Holocaust while in the present, his health is failing and by the end of the book, he has passed away. Spiegelmans drawings give readers a new way to realize the events that happened during this historical stain. One way in which the drawings aid in creating a memorable understanding of the Holocaust is the metaphoric way in which the characters of both books are drawn. Jewish people are drawn as mice, hence the title Maus, while the...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 9
Report - Essay Example In India, the impact of technology has seen her make commendable strides in the coffee industry. Italy, Brazil and India are all exporters of coffee. From the culture differences in these nations, it would be preferable to lay coffee shops in Brazil and Italy compared to India. No place comes to mind more readily than Italy when you think of passion for coffee per excellence (Halevy 57). A large proportion of India’s production is for export. One may also argue that there is less competition if we decided to put a chain of coffee shops in India. This is in comparison to Brazil and Italy. The Brazilian coffee market has been stable over time and the projections for the next four years are seen to be positive. According to Euromonitor.com, the on-trade channel is expected to grow to a value of 35% by 2019 (28). In Italy, market fluctuations are prevalent, and the industry is widely hit by the global recession and unforeseen inflation. India’s coffee industry faces the same challenges. Therefore, it would be prudent to venture in Brazil despite the stiff competition. Taking competition as one of the factors differentiating these countries, investment in Brazil should be done in the form of mergers with the existing coffee operators. This will lessen competition. However, investment in Indian will require fully owned shops and less or no mergers. Taking geographical location as a factor, the rural and semi-urban India is driving the economy of the coffee industry. In Brazil and Italy, the urban areas promote the market for coffee consumers. As a marketing strategy, India will see more coffee shops set, in the countryside, to drive
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Comparative Study of Siddhartha (Hesse) and A Hero of Our Time Essay
Comparative Study of Siddhartha (Hesse) and A Hero of Our Time (Lermontov) - Essay Example A closer look at the two characters, however, makes several interesting revelations. Siddhartha was born a prince. But he was not happy with what he was and what he saw in the world around him [He was a source of joy for everybody, he was a delight for them all. But, he, Siddhartha, was not a source of joy for himself, he found no delight in himself (Hesse 4)]. He saw no meaning in the traditions and rituals of Hinduism and the Vedic culture, the only religion in India at that time. The curiosity to find the meaning and purpose of human existence made him restless. The same restlessness, radicalism, cynicism and scorn for the existing institutions characterize Pechorin. His flaws not withstanding, it must be said that Pechorin, much like the Buddha, was self-aware and self-absorbed [Pechorin: â€Å"Mine is an unfortunate disposition; whether it is the result of my upbringing or whether it is innate – I know not.†(Chapter IX)]. When the world tends to call Siddhartha a saint and Pechorin a nihilist, it indicates that the points where the two began their journeys were close though the points where they ended up might be poles apart. That was bound to be despite a high level of awareness because of the difference where their centers lied. Pechorin was self-centered and Siddhartha was other-centered [Siddhartha: â€Å"Once every desire and every urge was silent in the heart, then the ultimate part of me had to awake, the innermost of my being, which is no longer my self, the great secret.†(10)]. One advocated the conscious destruction of desire while the other believed in deliberately destroying the people who came in the way of his fulfillment of desires. Again, for both, these ends were more important than life itself. One of the prescriptions of the Indian asceticism was to starve the body so that the craving for worldly things would gradually be vanquished. Siddhartha had a correction to make. Though he was against overindulgence, his not ion was that a tired, inactive body and mind cannot prepare themselves for liberation or salvation unless the basic needs are fulfilled. This is in close proximity to the essence of Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation in which he gives physiological needs the importance that is due to them, but only to that extent. From this perspective, Pechorin has striking clarity as to what the basic needs of humans are. He declares without mincing words that power and lust are fundamental for happiness [Pechorin: â€Å"Ambition is nothing more nor less than a thirst for power. To be the cause of suffering and joy to another – without in the least possessing any definite right to be so – isn’t that the sweetest food for our pride? And what is happiness? Satisfied pride.†(Chapter VIII)]. One thing that can be established beyond doubt is that the characters under study were quite different from the rest because of their attitude. At a time when everyone else w as content with the way things happened, they were bored with them and begged to differ. This boredom made them set out on their journeys of exploration. They reacted to the events of life in a unique way. Both were unable to identify themselves with their contemporaries. They did not just want to live life but sought to feel life, to experience it. Siddhartha’s renunciation was as much motivated from this desperation as Pechorin’
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Internet addiction among adolescents
Internet addiction among adolescents Internet addiction among adolescents Abstract Today’s world is a technology driven world, where all the people are linked to the use of internet in one way or the other. Mainly it is the adolescents who use the internet services the most, be it for the gaming purposes, studies or any other. But with the advent of internet technology, life has obviously become easier on the part of adolescents. Each of the innovation brings along with it many of the hurdles or risks. One of the main risks that are associated with the use of internet is internet addiction among adolescents. Keyword: Internet addiction, Adolescents, Internet technology, Internet services Internet addiction among adolescents The technological development of the internet in the initial stages was designed for the promotion of research and communication among various technological institutions. This is also linked to the usage of internet by the adolescents (Aydm, B., San, S. V, 2011). This is because, in the technological institutions, there were mainly the adolescents only who used the internet for the research purposes. But with the advent of new technological era, HCL Company made various handy browsers that made the usage of internet by the adolescents more flexible and appropriate (Hamid, 2015). Then eventually after the coming in of the smart phones, the usage of internet became more accessible to the adolescents. Diagnosis Clinical disorders have been the most fatal things that have been identified to date in regards to the excessive usage of internet. In the clinical disorders have, it is insomnia and depression that are the most common among adolescents who have excessive usage of the internet technologies (Aydm San, 2011). Insomnia is on the rise among adolescents who over use the internet because, they are deprived of the sleep as they all the time are glued to the internet. Moreover depression is on the rise among the adolescents (Esen et al., 2013). This is because most of the adolescents are inclined towards the usage of internet and mainly the social media. As a result, many of the adolescents engage themselves in the fake profiles. As a result, when the bitter truth is out, most of the people go in a state of depression. Thereby insomnia and depression are among the top most disorders that are linked to the internet addiction among adolescents. Correlation to Personality Behaviours, Preferences and Environments It has been found that whenever a person is stress or a stressful situation, people become stressed or engage themselves with the use of internet. This is something that is common among the adolescents. They immerse themselves in the cyber space in order to combat stress. Whereas some others who lack confidence level, escape themselves to online interaction. Also the personality traits like extroversion and high emotional instability are also some of the factors that are negatively correlated with internet addiction and are seen among the adolescents (Hariri et al, 2015). Among some others are insomnia and depression that affect the individuals or adolescents the most. There are various advantages that the internet has provided to the adolescents. Like with the use of internet, it became easier for the adolescents to learn through the e-books. Moreover, they also were able to learn by sitting at one place through video conferencing via the internet. This was one of the most valuable advantages that the adolescents had with the use of internet (Kuss et al, 2013). Though it also leads to an addiction among the adolescents, as instead of the books, they were more attracted towards the e-books. This lead to all time screen usage, which in a way is not useful in relation to the health parameters. Literature reviewed First group of Study As the use of technology is in the hands of the user, be it for the good or for the bad. It was seen with the advent of newer technologies that internet usage among the adolescents was increasing day by day, but on the wrong side. This is so because, the pornographic material was easily available on the internet and more and more adolescent’s age attracted towards it. This is also something that leads to internet addiction among the adolescents. In fact, it is the result of wrong usage of the technology only that the rise of cyber crime also increased (Israelashvili et al., 2012; Esen et al., 2013; Orsal et al., 2013). In the recent studies on the usage of internet, it was seen that almost 80% of the population comprises of the adolescents only who are addicted to the usage of internet and are a crime partner in most of the cyber crimes that occur all across the world. Second group of study Increase in the addiction of internet with adolescents, it was seen that there were many of the health problems also that came across. In China, it was seen that internet addiction has became the most significant mental health problem among the adolescents. The incidence rate of internet addiction among the Taiwan college students was 5.9% and almost 10.6 % among the Chinese college students. It was also seen that most of the Chinese adolescents who were addicted to the internet faced mental disorders like; they often became aggressive and also had some of the short term memory loss (Li et al., 2015; Sar et al., 2012; Usman et al., 2014). Third group of Study Some of the main domains of internet that are popular among the adolescents include, chatting rooms, e-mails, discussion forums etc. These are the main areas because most of the adolescents are attracted towards the usage of internet for the chatting or messaging purposes (Hariri et al., 2015; Esen et al., 2013; Aydm et al., 2011). The pitfalls were many when it was accessed in terms of the internet addiction. Like memory problems, health disorders and also the family problems that disturbed the overall life form of the individuals. In the research studies, it was found by many of the researchers that the common problems that existed among the adolescents who were addicted to the internet included, emotional sensitiveness, maladaptation, insomnia and also not been able to express themselves(Li et al., 2015). This is because most of the adolescents in this age are inclined towards the usage of social media. Thereby they get so much addicted towards it that they eventually face emotion al sensitiveness and barriers. A survey conducted by Young, 1996, depicted a graph that illustrated the usage of internet by the adolescents and how has increased over the years. Similarities First Similarity Apart from the social media, online gaming has been the most significant parameter linked with the internet that makes the adolescents linked to the internet all the times. Playing online games has increased the risk of being addicted to the internet by almost 2.7% every time. Previous researches have indicated that unlike the other kind of games forms like the browser and offline games, there are the online games that appear to have the high addictive potential. It is because of this only that vulnerable adolescents develop an addiction as a consequence of frequent engagement. Online games generally demand a large amount of the commitment and time investment and this is what makes the adolescents addicted to it (Esen et al., 2013; Aydm et al., 2011; Li et al., 2015; Orsal et al., 2013). Second Similarity Negativity was among the other important consequence that has been identified with the increased usage of the internet. With the internet addiction among the adolescents, they tend to go through various experiences that they relate to their real lives in one form or the other. Thereby in the process of relating, there arise many such situations when the person gets negative due to the higher usage of internet (Sar et al., 2012; Li et al., 2015). Moreover, this occurs because the viewpoint is consolidated towards a single side only. Third similarity Studies in different cultures have stated that internet addiction has only been seen as a concern in most of the cultures, rather than a benefit. As more and more time they spend on the internet, makes them have less time on practicing on their own. And as a result, they had lower grades as compared to the ones who did not use the internet (Li et al., 2015; Usman et al., 2014). This is the case when the other people in the conversation expect different way of reaction (Kuss et al., 2013; Hariri et al., 2014). The relationship among internet addiction and interpersonal problem is rapidly increasing day by day. These problems are mainly identified when the family members of the adolescents tend to complain about the adolescents who make excessive internet usage. Differences Gender Differences The studies conducted on the usage of the internet among the adolescents have suggested that there are gender differences that have been seen after the addiction to internet. The studies done by the Turkish university have put forth that the male counterparts are the ones who spend more time on the internet than the female ones. Though some of the studies also suggest that the female members are high in number. It was also seen that the addiction among the women on the internet was more on the shopping sites and the other areas (Aydm et al., 2011; Li et al., 2015; Usman et al., 2014; Sar et al., 2012). Whereas in case of males, the access to internet was made mainly too social media and gaming areas. Physical Differences The internet addicted adolescents are very less likely to engage in the health promoting behaviours and rather are mostly against it. As due to the excessive internet usage they are not able to keep themselves fit. In order to overcome this deficiency, most of the adolescents tend to take health supplements. These actually tend to decrease their health and thereby leaving the internet addict prone to the diseases. Thereby, there are many physical differences also that come across with internet addiction among adolescents (Israelashvili et al., 2012; Kuss et al., 2013; Esen et al., 2013). Work Differences Many of the employers have seen that the excessive usage of internet has potentially reduced the level of work, rather than enhancement of productivity. Employers who make lesser usage of internet tend to improve more on scale of performance. And the ones who are addicted to internet, most likely develop a tendency to work less and thereby become lethargic also. Moreover, excessive usage of internet also causes delay of work to be accomplished in a sooner time period (Hamid et al., 2015; Orsal et al., 2013). Thereby the need is that internet usage must be reduced while the adolescents are on work, so that distractions can be less. Thereby, these are the major differences that were encountered among different adolescents who are addicted to the internet. Discussion In order to identify that an adolescent is addicted to the internet or not, there are three basic classic mass media innovations (Aydm et al., 2012). These include surveillance, escape, companionship, identity and environment. It has been proved by many of the studies that the adolescents make the most usage of internet to reinforce relationships that at times also takes them into the negative room. It was stated that among the adolescents, college students are exposed to a higher risk of internet addiction (Usman et al., 2014). This is mainly due to the higher vulnerability of them using the internet for one or the other purpose in the college also. There are approximately 922.3 million, who represent 44% of the world internet user population. It has been one of the majorly growing concerns, as it is compliable to the health issues also. If talked about China, it is yet another country that is facing the charges of internet addiction among the adolescents. In order to combat the internet addiction, the governments of Japan, China and South Korea have set up the boot camps. These are helpful in providing the therapy to make the adolescents free of any kind of internet addiction (Israelashvili et al., 2012). Though there are many negatives that are seen among the adolescents with the use of internet, there are many of the advantages also. Unfortunately, Internet is misused by some of the groups of individuals if the adolescents get addicted to the internet for the learning and other useful purposes, then no more will it be known as addiction (Li et al., 2015). Rather when one can impart great knowledge from the use of internet if used for useful purposes. It has been identified in the studies from literature that if internet usage is made up to the mark by adolescents then it can reap better returns to them rather than making them an internet addict (Sar et al., 2012). To conclude, it can well be stated that it is in the hands of adolescents only whether to use the internet for their own convenience or other means. If it is used appropriately, then it will serve as a boon or otherwise a curse. Future Research and Studies The internet usage among adolescents is studied further by considering the various different racist. If university and school used only the sites which are related to the students and blocking all the other sites then it will be advantage for the students that they cannot rely on internet for longer period of time. Further research can be done on the usage of the internet by studying the different universities and combining the studies on the basis of age and sex. References Aydm, B., San, S. V. (2011). Internet addiction among adolescents. The role of self-esteem. Procedia- Social and Behavioural Science, 15, 3500-3505. Doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2011.04.325. Esen, B. K., Aktas, E., Tuncer, I. (2013). 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Relationship between Internet Addiction and Academic Performance among Foreign Undergraduate Students.Procedia Social and Behavioural Sciences,114, 845–851. doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.795
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