Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Critically analyse the Media’s Focus on young people and Violent Crime The WritePass Journal
Critically analyse the Media’s Focus on young people and Violent Crime Introduction Critically analyse the Media’s Focus on young people and Violent Crime IntroductionBIBLIOGRAPHYRelated Introduction Western society is fascinated with crime and justice. From films, newspapers, everyday conversation, books and magazines, there is a continual rhetoric regarding crime. The mass media plays a crucial part in the construction of criminality and the criminal justice system. The way the public perceive victims, criminals and the members of law enforcement is very much determined by the influences of the mass media (Roberts, Doob, 1990; Surette, 1998). It is therefore essential to take into account the effects that the mass media have on attitudes toward violent crimes, especially those concerning young people. If we start with television programmes we find that there is a link between viewing crime shows on the television is in fact linked to a fear of crime. Fear of crime may be a natural reaction by viewers to the brutality, violence and sometimes even injustices that are portrayed within these programmes. Crimes on television shows reveal certain patterns; there is an overemphasis on violent crimes and offenders are often sensationalised or stereotyped. Murder and robbery are common themes also yet crimes such as burgurlary are less often seen (Surette, 1998). Offenders are portrayed as psychopaths that target vulnerable and weak victims or as business people and professionals that are highly intelligent and violent, with victims being portrayed as helpless and weak (Surette, 1998). Many viewers may not understand the justice system and its process and are even less likely to understand (with some exceptions) the causes and motivations of criminal behaviour. The criminal justice system is portrayed largely as ineffective with the exception of selected heroes that provide justice or in some cases vengeance towards offenders (Surette, 1998). These programmes rarely focus on any mitigating circumstances of criminal behaviour and are unlikely to portray offenders in not only a sympathetic light but even a realistic fashion. On television crime is freely chosen and based on the individual problems of the offender. Analysis of crime drama reveals that greed, revenge and mental illness are the basic motivations for crime and offenders are often portrayed as ‘different’ from the general population (Lichter and Lichter, 1983: Maguire, 1998). This leads to a possible belief by viewers that all offenders are ‘monsters’ to be feared. Consequently heavy viewers may perceive crime as threatening, offenders as violent, brutal or ruthless and victims as helpless. These inaccurate presentations, as well as the portrayal of crime as inevitable or non preventable may lead to an increase in the fear of crime. The news media focus on violent crime is highly selective. Ferrell (2005:150) points out that news media representations highlight ‘the criminal victimization of strangers rather than the dangerous intimacies of domestic of family conflict’. Stanko and Lee (2003:10) note that ‘the violence in the media is constructed ‘as random’, wanton and the intentional acts of evil folk’. News reporting of crime and furthermore of the particular types of crime on which newspaper journalists disproportionately focus on, is selective and unrepresentative. News reporting of crime victims is equally so. Reiner et al stated that the foregrounding of crime victims in the media is one of the most significant qualitative changes in media representations of crime and control since the Second World War (Reiner et al. 2000a,b, 2003). Not all crime victims receive equal attention in the news media. Ocassionally intense media coverage may be devoted to victims who can be discredited on the basis of criminal promiscuous or otherwise questionable past. More often, however media resources are dedicated to the representation of those victims who can be portrayed as ideal. Christie (1986:18) describes the ideal victim as ‘a person or category of individuals who-when hit by crime-most readily are given the complete and legitimate status of being a victim’. This group includes young people. These young people attract massive levels of media attention, generate collective mourning on a near global scale, and drive significant change to a social and criminal justice policy and practice (Greer, 2004; Valier, 2004). In the summer of 2002, two 10 year old girls, Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman went missing from their home in Soham. Their disappearance attracted the biggest ever manhunt in Britain and international media attention. In 1996 two boys of similar age, Patrick Warren and David Spencer, went missing from their homes. Their disappearance failed to register much outside the local press. Shortly after 13 year old Milly Dowler went missing in 2002, the body of a teenage girl was recovered from a disused cement works in Tilbury Docks (Jewkes, 2004). Amongst media speculation that it was another missing teenager, Danielle Jones, who had disappeared almost a year earlier, the body was identified as Hannah Williams, however it was Milly’s story that continued to receive attention whilst Hannah received only a few sentences n the inside pages. Holly and Jessica were clearly seen as ideal victims. They were described using adjectives such as young, bright and energetic. They were from stable and loving middle class family backgrounds and had both achieved well at school. David and Patrick were working class, they were boys, brought up on a West Midlands council estate, in trouble at school and one of them had previously been caught shoplifting. While Holly and Jessica captured the hearts and minds of the nation, Patrick and David did not gain anywhere near as much interest and few people knew about their disappearance, much in the same way Hannah Williams was unknown. Hannah’s murder generated just over 60 articles in the British national press, mostly after she was found. In its first two weeks alone, the hunt for Holly and Jessica produced nearly 900 (Fracassini, 2002). Whilst on one hand the media sensationalise when young people are the victims of violent crimes, it also sensationalises when there is a belief that these young people are in fact the perpetrators of violent crimes. A study carried out by Young People Now, (a publication for people working with children and young people) through research firm Mori, looked at tabloids, local papers and broadsheets over the course of a week. Seventy-one percent of articles concerning young people had a negative tone, while 14 percent were positive and 15 percent were neutral. In addition, 48 percent of articles about crime and violence depicted a young person as the perpetrator, whereas only 26 percent of young people admit to committing a crime, and of those only seven percent involved the police and only a minority were violent-the most common committed crime was petty theft. The picture being painted in the media is one of violent young men with nearly 70 percent of violent stories i nvolving boys describing them as the perpetrator and 32 percent as the victim, while girls are described as the victim in 91 percent of cases and the offender in 10 percent (Ipsos Mori). In reality 31 percent of boys in mainstream schools admit to having committed a crime compared with 20 percent of girls and boys are more likely to be victims of violent crime than girls (Young people and the Media, 2004). Peter McIntyre, a journalist whose 30 year career has included work on the Oxford Times and editing a Unicef book of guidelines for interviewing children states that children in trouble with the law have some legal protection, but in some cases, because journalists are not allowed to name young people, they feel free to misrepresent them, contributing to the monsterisation of young people (2004). If images of violent yobs predominate, there is a risk that policy makers will respond to stereotypes rather than the true diversity of young people’s needs. The rise of the antisocial behaviour order (ASBO) was seized upon by local and national newspapers as a chance to name and shame young people. From the Sun newspaper’s proposal to hand out ‘SASBO’s (Sun Antisocial Behaviour Orders), to south London paper News’s Shopper’s Shop a Yob Bingo, papers were able to show pictures of these young people, because there were no automatic reporting restrictions on young people sentenced by civil courts, unlike youth courts. All of these reporting’s serve to further fuel media hype and moral panic surrounding young people as violent offenders. BIBLIOGRAPHY Barille, L. (1984) Television Attitudes about Crime: Do Heavy Views Distort Criminality and Support Retributive Justice? In Ray Surette (ed.) Justice and the Media Issues and Research Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas Bryant, J. Garreth, R.A, Brown, D. (1981). Television viewing and anxiety: An Experimental Examination. Journal of Communication 31: 106-119 Christie,N. (1986) The Ideal Victim in Fattah, E. (ed), from Crime Policy to Victim Policy. Basingstoke: Macmillan. Doob, A. MacDonald, G. (1979) Television Viewing and Fear of Victimization: Is The Relationship Casual? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Ferrell, J. (2005). Crime and Culture in Hale, C. Hayward, K. Wahidin, A. And Wincup, E. (eds), Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fracassini, C. (2002) Missing, Scotland on Sunday. 18 August 2002 Greer, C. (2004). Crime, Media and Community: grief and virtual engagement in late modernity. In Ferrell, J. Hayward, K. Morrison, W. And Presdee (eds). Cultural Criminology Unleashed. London: Cavendish Jewkes, Y. (2004) Media and Crime. London: Sage Lichter, L. Lichter, S. (1983) Prime Time Crime Washington DC: Media Institute Livingstone, S. (1996). On the Continuing Problem of Media Effects. In Curran, J. Gurevitch, M (eds), Mass Media and Society. London: Arnold. Maguire, B. (1988). Image Versus Reality: An Analysis of Prime-Time Television and Police Programs. Crime and Justice II (1): 165-188 Reiner, R. (2002). Media Made Criminality: the representation of crime in the mass media. In Maguire, M. Morgan, R. Reiner, R (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Criminology. 3rd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Surrette, R. (1990). The Media and Criminal Justice Policy: Recent Research and Social Effects. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas Valier, C. (2005). Making Sense of the Information Age: Sociology and Cultural Studies, Information, Communications and Society, 8 (4): 439-58
Friday, November 22, 2019
Free Research Papers
Free Research Papers Free Research Papers Free Research Papers: Paralympics Games! Before you start writing free research paper, you should choose a topic! While you are choosing, you may read about Sports and Games. This theme is very wide and you may discuss for example some definite kind of sport. People all over the world are very fond of sports and games. That is one of the things, which people of every nationality and class are united. Sport not only helps people to become strong and to develop physically but also makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities. It makes for a healthy mind in a healthy body. Sports help people to keep in good health. Free Research Papers: Paralympics Games. Interesting topic to pay attention is about Paralympics games. Not everyone knows what it is. So, this paragraph is devoted to extra-ordinary kind of sport. The Paralympics Games are a major international multi-sport event where physical disability athletes compete. This competition includes ath letes with mobility disabilities, amputations, blindness, and Cerebral Palsy. In your free research papers you should point out that there are winter and summer Paralympics Games, which are followed Olympic Games. All Paralympics Games are governed by the International Paralympics Committee. For the first time, the Olympic Games for the Deaf people, was hold in Paris in 1924. Disability athletes from injuries of musculoskeletal system have been taking part actively in sports only after the Second World War. The first Paralympics Games were hold in the capital of Italy Rome, in 1960. The competition was attended by 400 athletes from 23 countries. The delegation of athletes in Italy has been the most numerous. Your free research paper should open to the reader such information like:In the beginning of 1976 Paralympics tournament under the guidance of the International disabled people Sports Organization became involved with the amputees, and with very low eyesight.Finally, i n 1992 was created the International Paralympics Committee. Now it includes 162 countries. Paralympics sports include: archery, shooting, athletics, cycling, dressage, fencing, judo, weightlifting, shooting, soccer 7x 7, 5 x 5 football, rowing, swimming, sailing, table tennis, tennis and rugby wheelchair, wheelchair basketball, volleyball, dancing on wheelchair. The participation of these unique people in the Paralympics Games is their feat, and our honor. This sense must be shared in your free research papers. Read this article, may be it will inspire you for writing excellent free research paper.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
ETHICS SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
ETHICS SAFETY AND SAFETY MANAGEMENT - Essay Example The powder is collected in a receiving vessel (hopper) from where it can be used in a further stage of the process. The receiving vessel is fitted with a filter to allow the air used in the pneumatic conveying process to be separated from the powder which collects in the receiving vessel. This pneumatic conveying system differs from a normal pneumatic conveying system in that the receiving vessel is placed above the blow tank system. A pipeline is used to transfer the pharmaceutical powder, Pharmex from the blow tank to receiver vessel to some distant area. A filter is used at the receiver tank and finally the powder settles down. The air compressor feeds the system with air under a desired pressure. In figure 1, the relief valves and the regulator valves are shown as PRF and NB respectively. Introduction Risk assessments are conducted in order to identify any fire & explosion hazards before the commencement of a process. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) (Health and Safety Executive, 2003) regulations is a useful tool for this work. It is imperative that employees be prevented from exposure to hazards. Implementation of COSHH regulations leads to: i. Higher productivity and efficiency by the use of more effective controls. ii. Improved employee morale. In this exercise, we will try to find out where there is enough powder present in this process for explosion to occur. Powder more than 80 gm/m3 is quite enough to have an explosion. The plant has powder transported from one area to another area by blowing it, which means the pipeline has the mixture of powder and air and thus possesses the potential of explosion. Explosive Atmospheres In pneumatic conveying system, workplace air and Pharmex can form the explosive atmospheres and this condition can be classified as hazardous area according to DSEAR (DSEAR 2002, SI 2002/2776). Therefore special precautions over ignition and fuel sources are required to prevent fire and explosions. Non hazardous ar ea outside the workplace needs risk assessment as well. Hazardous areas are further classified as Zones which are included in DSEAR. When we talk about dangerous substance and explosive atmosphere regulations then we look at Zone. Zones Pharmex and air form a mixture in the process. Pharmex is susceptible to explosion. The mix of air and Pharmex is present continuously in the pneumatic conveyer system. Therefore, the apparatus is considered as Zone 20, according to DSEAR. To start the process we have to put the powder into the plant, as the powder is not present continuously, hence the filling of powder is in Zone 21 according to DSEAR. The proposed equipment for zone 20 is category 1 equipment, following DSEAR regulations. Risk Assessment First, the hazards that have potential to cause harm are identified. Secondly, the risks present to people’s health are assessed. Regarding the conveying system shown in figure 1, the main hazards are fire and explosion. Fire & Explosion Fi gure.2 The above triangle illustrates that igniting and burning a fire or causing an explosion requires three elements mentioned at the edge of the triangle. 1) Ignition source: The ignition source can be directly associated to heat. 2) Fuel: Is necessary for the fire or explosion to burn. 3) Oxidiser: Substances also necessary for the reaction of fire or explosion. Oxygen is the most common oxidiser. The fuel (Pharmex) and oxidation (air) are present at most places in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Communication Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Communication Memo - Assignment Example manager, allow me to share some relevant techniques and strategies in enhancing group communication, as well as in introducing the new employees to their teammates. I would initially provide some insights regarding potential barriers that might exist in group communication. Subsequently, I would describe relevant techniques to overcome those barriers and enhance group communication; prior to delving in expounding on the role of conflict in effective group communication. Authoritative sources are listed as a reference page for your perusal. Our organization welcomes new employees through an orientation program which aims to provide crucial information regarding the organization’s brief history, member of the executive management team and the organizational structure, policies and procedures, code of conduct and discipline, as well as the employees’ roles and responsibilities in their respective departments. The human resources department (HRD) has recently hired five (5) new employees to assume the position of HRD personnel in charge of assisting in various human resources functions: acquisition, development, and maintenance, among others. Currently, there are ten (10) human resources personnel who have effectively assisted the manager in undertaking these functions in the most effective manner. It was, therefore, recognized that effective group communication is a relevant aspect of the development of a cohesive group through collaboration and camaraderie. With the entry of five (5) new employees, there is a need to immerse these members to the HRD through the assumption of their respective roles. As such, theoretical frameworks of group development, conflict management, and application of effective group communication techniques through identification of barriers in group communication, would be proposed, as deemed necessary. There are barriers to communication that impede the flow and affect the ability to understand the messages transmitted in the most
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The three poems Essay Example for Free
The three poems Essay The manipulation of dialogue within a text can impact greatly on the audiences’ perception of character and situation. The module ‘Experience through language’ has revealed the way in which dialogue can be used to portray characters and situations in a variety of contexts. The three poems ‘Enter without so much as knocking’, ‘Weapons training’ and ‘Big Jim’ by Brice Daw support the idea in which dialogue can be used to show values and beliefs. One additional text that further exemplifies dialogue is a short story, ‘The test’ by Angelica Gibbs. Dialogue is conversation between people in which language is used to show the interaction of characters in a social context. Sometimes language can involve a dramatic monologue in which one person may represent their inner most feelings and desires. A composer can use dialogue to highlight feelings and emotions in a more dramatic way than simply describing them. Bruce Dawe is a social satirist who deals with conte mporary problems. He brings his poems to life by giving them a realistic vernacular voice that allows him to highlight peoples’ attitudes in certain situations. ‘Enter without so much as knocking’ is a sarcastic look at the negative features of modern life, particularly materialism. Dawe explores such themes as dehumanisation and social conformity and uses a range of language and structural techniques to help support these themes. Daw makes use of techniques such as exaggeration, sarcasm and caricature to ridicule the materialism that infects modern society; â€Å"NO BREATHING EXCEPT BY ORDER†, this deliberate exaggeration and the use of capitol letters convey the congestion and stress that is present in our society. Dawe also uses an irregular structure to emphasise the chaotic environment, which is present day society. The use of dialogue helps set the scene of this situation. Materialism is expressed through a ceaseless literary of advertising slogans, rules, instructions and cliches. Advertising jargon, for example, â€Å"one economy sized mum†and, â€Å"Anthony Squires coolstream summerweight dad†is deliberately used to characterise the people as having no individuality or identity. Figurative language such as similes, â€Å"like kids at the circus†and alliteration, â€Å"faces snarled screamed†is manipulated so that the responders get a vivid picture of what is being described, which impacts strongly on the audience’s perception of character and situation. ‘Weapons Training’ is a poem written in the form of an address being given to a group of raw recruits by an experienced, roughly spoken, gruff mannered sergeant. His manner is intimidating and derogatory and his authoritative tone emphasises his control over them. Control, debasement and danger are all themes that are present in this poem. Daw uses stereotypes to help depict the image of a ranting army sergeant. The emotive language creates techniques of fear, anger and frustration and personalised attacks such as â€Å"are you queer? †increases the sense of menace and vulgarity. These techniques are effective in characterising the sergeant and making the audience feel uneasy. Word choice is a particularly valuable technique in this poem. The terminology while simple is packed with double meaning that helps develop a pervading negative atmosphere. Monosyllabic words such as â€Å"click†, â€Å"queer†and â€Å"tit†give the poem a blunt and direct feel while polysyllabic words including â€Å"bloody†add layers of meaning.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Comparing Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness and Francis Ford Coppolas
Parallels Between Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Coppola's Apocalypse Now    Apocalypse Now is a very vivid and sometimes disturbing film centered on the Vietnam War. Because it was based on Joseph Conrad's novella Heart of Darkness, it is possible to draw some parallels between the two. Both can be interpreted as metaphors for a journey through the inner self, and each has its own singular message to convey. Apocalypse Now very perspicuously depicts the fact that men have hearts of darkness, and it explores the evils of war. At the same time, however, it seemingly glorifies some aspects. The anti-war sequences were often brutal and portrayed destruction as a result of the human condition. The film Apocalypse Now, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, can be interpreted both as pro-war and anti-war in its intent, although the latter is a more valid interpretation.            Apocalypse Now, graphic and disturbing, vividly depicts the true image of war. Coppola and his cinematographer, Vittorio Storaro, presented a series of visually stunning images throughout the film that made it impossible for the viewer not to contemplate the Vietnam War, its purposes, and its shortcomings. These images also lead the audience to an anti-war sentiment. One of the first images that depicts the anti-war disposition was the series of visuals presented during the film's opening sequence, as Captain Willard, the protagonist, is shown in his hotel room in Saigon. A song titled "The End," by The Who, is played as images of helicopters flying overhead and exploding bombs flash across the screen. Willard is first shown lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling fan, which frequently merges with the helicopter blades. Later he is shown, wea... ...ess, 1981. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness & The Secret Sharer. New York: Penguin Books, 1978. Fortmeyer, Russell. 'Apocalypse' cast filled with rage http://collegian.ksu.edu/issues/v099B/fa/n022/a-e-apocalypse-fortmeyer.html created 1994 (accessed 23 Jan. 2000). Heart of Darkness. Dir. Nicolas Roeg. Turner Network Television (TNT) Pictures, 1994. Heart of Darkness: Theme/Symbol/Allusion/Foreshadow (accessed 21 Jan. 2000). Nash, Jay Robert, and Stanley Ralph Ross. "Apocalypse Now" The Motion Picture Guide. Chicago: Cinebooks, 1985. Urch, Martin. Apocalypse Now: A film review by Martin Urch http://us.imdb.com/Reviews/30/3030 created 1994 (accessed 29 Jan. 2000). Virtanen, Panu S. Plot summary of 'Apocalypse Now' http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/9067/plot.html (accessed 16 Jan. 2000).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Ap Euro Review Packet
Ap Packet page 6 D. English Civil War 1. Political- One of the causes was Charles’s I unsuccessful attempt to arrest five members of Parliament, known as the Grand Remonstrance, on January 4, 1642. Another cause was who should have the power in the country and inflation forced up prices in all parts of Europe. An effect would be that England became a Commonwealth and a Protectorate. Parliamentary supremacy was another effect. 2. Religious-One of the causes was that the Puritans, sought to do away with bishops and revise the Prayer book; Charles fought against them. The main cause was over religion in which the puritans accused Charles and Laud of leaning towards Roman Catholicism. Effects are the protestant church established and religious toleration. E. Glorious Revolution 1. Social- The Glorious Revolution changed England socially because Mary and William allow the people to have a say in politics and religious toleration with the Toleration Act. 2. Political- It changed England by having William and Mary sign the Bill of Rights. This made England a Constitutional Monarchy. A constitutional monarchy acknowledges the monarch as the official head of state but the real power is in the hands of the parliament. F. 1. Stuarts The House of Stuart is a European royal house. It was founded by Robert II of Scotland, and the Stewarts first became monarchs of the Kingdom of Scotland during the late 14th century, and subsequently held the position of the Kings of Great Britain and Ireland. Their patrilineal ancestors had held the title High Steward of Scotland since the 12th century, after arriving by way of Norman England. The dynasty inherited further territory by the 17th century which covered the entire British Isles, including the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of Ireland, also upholding a claim to the Kingdom of France. The significance of the Stuarts is that they were the first kings of the United Kingdom and that they brought disaster to England. 2. Whigs The Whigs were a party in the Parliament of England, Parliament of Great Britain, and Parliament of the United Kingdom, who contested power with the rival Tories from the 1680s to the 1850s. The Whigs' origin lay in constitutional monarchism and opposition to absolute rule. Both parties began as loose groupings or tendencies, but became quite formal by 1784, with the ascension of Charles James Fox as the leader of a reconstituted â€Å"Whig†party ranged against the governing party of the new â€Å"Tories†under William Pitt the Younger. Both parties were founded on rich politicians, more than on popular votes; there were elections to the House of Commons, but a small number of men controlled most of the voters. The significance of the Whigs is that the Whigs political program came to encompass not only the supremacy of parliament over the monarch and support for free trade, but Catholic emancipation, the abolition of slavery and expansion of the franchise. 3. Tories In the 17th century it had become a term applied to monarchists in the House of Commons. By the 18th century the Tories were politicians who favored royal authority, the established church and who sought to preserve the traditional political structure and opposed parliamentary reform. After 1834 this political group in the House of Commons preferred to use the term Conservative. The significance of the Tories was that they emerged to uphold the legitimist rights of James, Duke of York to succeed his brother Charles II to the British throne. G. 1. Politique is a term that was used during the sixteenth and seventeenth century Wars of Religion, to describe moderates of both religious faiths (Huguenots and Catholics) who held that only the restoration of a strong monarchy could save France from total collapse. It frequently included a pejorative connotation of moral or religious indifference. The term gained great currency after 1568 with the appearance of radical Catholic Leagues calling for the eradication of Protestantism in France, and by 1588 the politique were seen by detractors as an organized group, and treated as worse than heretics. 2. Henry IV was King of France from 1589 to 1610 and King of Navarre from 1572 to 1610. He was the first monarch of the Bourbon branch of the Capetian dynasty in France. As a Huguenot, Henry was involved in the Wars of Religion before ascending the throne in 1589. Before his coronation as King of France at Chartres, he changed his faith from Calvinism to Catholicism and, in 1598, he enacted the Edict of Nantes, which guaranteed religious liberties to the Protestants, thereby effectively ending the civil war. One of the most popular French kings, both during and after his reign, Henry showed great care for the welfare of his subjects and displayed an unusual religious tolerance for the time. By him granting religious liberties to the Protestants he was helping establishing a modern state in France. 3. Cardinal Richelieu was consecrated as a bishop in 1608, he later entered politics, becoming a Secretary of State in 1616. Richelieu soon rose in both the Catholic Church and the French government, becoming a Cardinal in 1622, and King Louis XIII's chief minister in 1624. The Cardinal de Richelieu was often known by the title of the King's â€Å"Chief Minister†or â€Å"First Minister†. As a result, he is considered to be the world's first Prime Minister, in the modern sense of the term. He sought to consolidate royal power and crush domestic factions. By restraining the power of the nobility, he transformed France into a strong, centralized state. His chief foreign policy objective was to check the power of the Austro-Spanish Habsburg dynasty, and to ensure French dominance in the Thirty Years' War that engulfed Europe. Although he was a cardinal, he did not hesitate to make alliances with Protestant rulers in attempting to achieve his goals. By doing all of this he was helping establish a modern state. 4. Cardinal Mazarin was a French-Italian cardinal, diplomat, and politician, who served as the chief minister of France from 1642 until his death. Mazarin succeeded his mentor, Cardinal Richelieu. He was a noted collector of art and jewels, particularly diamonds, and he bequeathed the â€Å"Mazarin diamonds†to Louis XIV in 1661, some of which remain in the collection of the Louvre museum in Paris. His personal library was the origin of the Bibliotheque Mazarine in Paris. He helps establish the basis for a modern state in France by following in Richelieu policies. . The Fronde was a civil war in France, occurring in the midst of the Franco-Spanish War, which had begun in 1635. The Fronde was divided into two campaigns, the Fronde of the parliaments and the Fronde of the nobles. The timing of the outbreak of the Fronde des parliaments, directly after the Peace of Westphalia (1648) that ended the Thirty Years War, was significant. The nuclei of armed bands under aristocratic leader s that terrorized parts of France had been hardened in a generation of war in Germany where troops still tended to operate autonomously. Louis XIV, impressed as a young ruler with the experience of the Fronde, came to reorganize French fighting forces under a stricter hierarchy whose leaders ultimately could be made or unmade by the King. Thus the Fronde finally resulted in the disempowerment of the territorial aristocracy and the emergence of absolute monarchy. They help establish the basis for a modern state in France by strength the crown since it made people realized that it was better to be ruled by a strong king then to be dominated by competing and contentious noblemen. . Louis XIV was a Bourbon monarch who ruled as King of France and Navarre. He ruled France as an absolute monarch by declaring that â€Å"I am the state†. The experience of the Fronde taught him to distrust the nobles. He believed in the divine right of king provided the justification for absolute monarchy. He was smart enough to create Versailles in order to keep a track of the nobles. He help establish the basis for a modern state by pr oviding a method on how to keep the nobles content and thus make them not revolt against the king. 7. Jean-Baptiste Colbert was a French politician who served as the Minister of Finances of France from 1665 to 1683 under the rule of King Louis XIV. His relentless hard work and thrift made him an esteemed minister. He achieved a reputation for his work of improving the state of French manufacturing and bringing the economy back from the brink of bankruptcy. Historians note that, despite Colbert's efforts, France actually became increasingly impoverished because of the King's excessive spending on wars. Colbert worked to create a favorable balance of trade and increase France's colonial holdings. Colbert's plan was to build a general academy. Colbert's market reforms included the foundation of the Manufacture royale de glaces de miroirs in 1665 to supplant the importation of Venetian glass and to encourage the technical expertise of Flemish cloth manufacturing in France. He also founded royal tapestry works at Gobelins and supported those at Beauvais. Colbert worked to develop the domestic economy by raising tariffs and by encouraging major public works projects. Colbert also worked to ensure that the French East India Company had access to foreign markets, so that they could always obtain coffee, cotton, dyewoods, fur, pepper, and sugar. In addition, Colbert founded the French merchant marine. Colbert issued more than 150 edicts to regulate the guilds. One such law had the intention of improving the quality of cloth. The edict declared that if the authorities found a merchant's cloth unsatisfactory on three separate occasions, they were to tie him to a post with the cloth attached to him. He establishes the basis for a way to improve economy so that the people can get jobs thus helping reducing the unemployment rate in France.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
A Jack of All Trades
They say that Asian countries, especially those belonging to the third world, have low education standards and don’t speak English at all. I’d like to take this opportunity to disprove that myth.I’m a full-blood middle class Indian, born in New Delhi, India, to an army officer and a nurse. I’d say that I’m very fortunate because my parents were able to put me in a good school and was able to study until the 8th grade. It is true that India belongs to the third world country due to poverty; so a lot of families can’t afford to put their children into nice schools. There are a number of good schools in India and I was fortunate enough to have studied in one. The intensive curriculum in my school developed my IQ especially in the field of science and mathematics.When my family and I moved to Boston, Massachusetts in 2004, my schoolmates found it truly astounding that Indians could speak and write well in English too. This is for the fact that English is India’s second language. There are a lot of dialects in India alone, but that doesn’t mean English is not a language spoken there.They found how studious and passionate I am with my studies and how I passed with flying colors too. On top of that, they were pretty amazed that a poindexter like me is actually a sports fanatic too. I was able to combine studies and sports, doing well in both at the same time. In fact, I joined the soccer and tennis teams and was able to significantly contribute to the success of both teams. I even lost 30 lbs. out of it. I remember how I used to doubt I’d be qualified to join the teams, but I got in after the tryouts. It is, indeed, very hard for students to combine school and sports at the same time. I’d say I was very proud to show my schoolmates that an Indian like me can excel in a lot of fields, thus showing that the education standard in India shouldn’t be underestimated. The more I join teams and mingle with schoolmates, the more I learn about American culture.Eventually, my dad found a new job in Austin, Texas, so my family and I had to relocate. I went to Westwood high school, which is one of the best schools in the US, and I found out that the curriculum there challenged me intellectually and physically.I decided to quit sports when I went to junior high because I took up 5 AP classes. I took up AP Chemistry, AP English, AP Physics, AP Statistics and AP Computer Science classes. The standard of the school is very high, so is the level of difficulty.  At first, I found the curriculum too challenging, but I came to realize the advantages of finishing at Westwood high school.I realized that the intensive curriculum could work to my advantage in the future, so I pursued studying well. I even compared Westwood high school to my previous school in Massachusetts.  Thus, I am very proud to have finished with flying colors in Westwood high school.All the experiences I’ve gone through had made me a jack of all trades. I was able to prove I can excel in all fields I wish to pursue. The culture I grew up with in India had given me special traits that made me go through the hardest challenges in life with ease and gratitude.My parents were always there to help me, and because of this, I’m forever indebted.  I want to make them prouder, so I am taking this opportunity to explore greater chances of earning a degree that could help me in my desired profession one day.I am also very grateful that America has given opportunities to Asians like me for better education, and pursuing excellence in my studies will not only make America proud they have produced graduates like me, but will also make my motherland, India, proudest.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Snow
The snow is falling in colossal powder flakes. Seth, my freckled faced son, is leaping up and down like there isn’t a tomorrow. He bellows like a ball calf, â€Å"Mom!†I bark, â€Å"What do you want?†Half asleep I am trying to focus my drowsy eyes, which can barely make out his annoying presence. Seth, full of piss and vinegar requests, â€Å"Mom, can we go sledding? We are not having school today. Please! Com on! Can we?†I stumble out of bed, staggering to the window. I see the staleness of the winter night fade away like smoke drifting off as the sun rises. The sun illuminating a splendid, white, shimmering, blanket of snow across the vast countryside.. The snow overflowing the tree limbs with immense white blossoms. Icesicles fashioned into sparkling spears dangling from everything. Jack- frost has painted murals of ice gardens on all window panes. The cars look like enormous fluffy snow drifts. There is no way to tell where the street begins or ends; it is just endless. All of a sudden Seth grabs my arm; â€Å"Mom are you coming with me?†he inquires. I respond, â€Å"Let me get ready,†as the pasty snow flakes drift once more.... Free Essays on Snow Free Essays on Snow The snow is falling in colossal powder flakes. Seth, my freckled faced son, is leaping up and down like there isn’t a tomorrow. He bellows like a ball calf, â€Å"Mom!†I bark, â€Å"What do you want?†Half asleep I am trying to focus my drowsy eyes, which can barely make out his annoying presence. Seth, full of piss and vinegar requests, â€Å"Mom, can we go sledding? We are not having school today. Please! Com on! Can we?†I stumble out of bed, staggering to the window. I see the staleness of the winter night fade away like smoke drifting off as the sun rises. The sun illuminating a splendid, white, shimmering, blanket of snow across the vast countryside.. The snow overflowing the tree limbs with immense white blossoms. Icesicles fashioned into sparkling spears dangling from everything. Jack- frost has painted murals of ice gardens on all window panes. The cars look like enormous fluffy snow drifts. There is no way to tell where the street begins or ends; it is just endless. All of a sudden Seth grabs my arm; â€Å"Mom are you coming with me?†he inquires. I respond, â€Å"Let me get ready,†as the pasty snow flakes drift once more....
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Internet vs. The Web
The Internet vs. The Web The Internet vs. The Web The Internet vs. The Web By Maeve Maddox Although the hoi polloi (i.e., the masses) use the words Web and Internet interchangeably, there is a difference worth learning. The Internet existed before the Web. The first meaning of internet as it relates to computing was â€Å"a computer network consisting of or connecting a number of smaller networks, such as two or more local area networks connected by a shared communications protocol.†The U.S. Defense Department had such a network called ARPANET–an acronym derived from Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. From this DoD â€Å"internet†evolved â€Å"the Internet,†a global computer network that provides a variety of communication facilities–only one of which is the Web. ARPANET was developed in the 1960s to enable researchers to use computers from remote locations. In 1982, the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS) was standardized and the Internet was officially defined as a global interconnected network. Although global, the new Internet was still mainly the reserve of people with the specialized skills needed to access it. All that changed in the early 1990s when Tim Berners-Lee, a graduate of Oxford University, created a system of interlinked documents (e.g., web pages) that could be easily accessed by anyone using a browser. He called it the World Wide Web. The Web, therefore, is not the Internet. The Web is one of many services that run on top of the Internet infrastructure. Other such services include email, FTP, and VOIP (e.g., Skype). Here’s a typical misuse of the term Internet: Are you unfamiliar with the Internet? If you want to know how to search the Internet, then you have to find the right search engine, type in your search as accurately as possible, and browse through the results to find the one you want. –WikiHow I’m guessing that the Defense Department may know how to search the Internet, but when ordinary mortals go online to find cute kitten photos, they use search engines to search the Web. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)Hyper and HypoPredicate Complements
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The is a section of whole essay,read the requirement i send you Essay
The is a section of whole ,read the requirement i send you carefully, - Essay Example For instance, if a person relates stress to hate, response will be negative and the vice versa is true. One research carried out in New Jersey showed that the way individuals perceive the concept of time can either reduce or increase stress. Job experience Job and career experience is a factor in determination of ability to handle stress. Some managers, directors and one’s seniors handle job-related situations with their juniors differently. Badly handled cases will promote resentment and accelerate negative response to those stresses. The employees who may feel dissatisfied with the outcome of such a scenario are likely to be overwhelmed. Individual persons have threshold standards for workload, of which when it is more than what they are used to, then they see that as workload. The extra work as perceived by such a person brings discomfort, leading to psychological strain, and thus stress. (Aldwin, 2007).   Social support Stress effects in most cases trickle down to other individuals. It affects friends, family members, work mates. Social support is an integral factor in stress management. Excellent social support especially from the loved ones enables an individual to thrive. Poor support translates to the person being overwhelmed. This support may be tangible or psychological thus facilitating quick positive response to the stressor. Personality Different personalities are prone to potential stressors. The cumulative mannerisms of an individual are important in mitigating stressors. Nevertheless, building strong personality qualities are likely to buffer stress. Affording a smile is seen as a remedy to minimizing stressors (Semmer, 2003). A person who has experienced stress is likely to overcome similar potential stressors or even avoid them. This is dependent more to the anatomical and physiological responses by the body system. Cultural differences and consequences of stress Culture being the cumulative day to day events, beliefs and in teractions, does play a key role in stress experience, reaction and management. Different cultures reduce or increase the likelihood of stress. In some cultures, a lot of value is attached to cohesion among the society members. In case of an event like death, such members will experience grief, feeling of great loss and a gap left by the diseased. Death is the stressor in such a society. Cultures are seen to differ from one country to another. Geographical location and community interactions here tend to vary greatly. At work levels, the same is experienced; where the employee demands to keep up with the ever changing and quickening speed of transformation and to push productivity levels as well as accuracy tend to be a source of stress. U.S employees In the USA, majority of employees are stressed by lack of control. For instance, this could be as a result of anxiety when ones fears possible job loss. Sometimes it may be connected to office politics, differences in opinion among employees, in ability to balance between family and work, general disagreements among others. In addition, full time jobs, volunteer responsibilities, after-school learner activities, and the simple management of the day to day activities make some U.S-based individuals stressed up. It’s highly recommended that one visits a counselor or a medical doctor. This helps in stress management. Berry, 2006 suggested that people in the U.S are likely to manage and reduce stress more
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