Thursday, October 31, 2019
Managing Projects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Managing Projects - Essay Example Subsequent valid workday using the Predecessor's and successor's calendar The Earliest Time by which the Project should be Completed is the Ending Node TE (P) = 39 days As the Project will Start on 01 Dec. 2007 and there are 2 days weekly holidays, the Early Competition Date would be 25 January 2008. [Calculation shown in Appendix-1] Float Take another look at Network diagram has several pieces of information filled in for each node. The task forename and length are self-explanatory6. The most important task of developing the project schedule is to relate each of the responsibilities and combine duration, resource requirements, and reliance. We have to make several overtake all the way through the network diagram to calculate the values necessary to create a project scheduling. Early Finish EF = Early Start + Duration - 1 Early Start ES = EF + 1 (subsequent valid workday using the Predecessor's calendar) Late Start LS = LF - Duration + 1 (subsequent valid workday using the successor's calendar) Late Finish LF = LS - 1 Float = Late Start - Early Start Float = Late Finish - Early Finish7 In project management float is the amount of time that a terminal element in a project network can be delayed by, without causing a delay to: Subsequent terminal elements (free float) Project completion date (total float). For an example, consider the process of replacing a broken pane of glass in the window of someone's home. There are various component activities involved in the project as a whole; obtaining the glass and putty, installing the new glass, choosing the paint, obtaining a tin of paint, painting the new putty once it has set, wiping the new glass free of finger smears etc. The owner cannot buy the new paint until you...Manipulating and analysing data help the managers to manage the projects and funds. Take another look at Network diagram has several pieces of information filled in for each node. The task forename and length are self-explanatory6. The most important task of developing the project schedule is to relate each of the responsibilities and combine duration, resource requirements, and reliance. We have to make several overtake all the way through the network diagram to calculate the values necessary to create a project scheduling. For an example, consider the process of replacing a broken pane of glass in the window of someone's home. There are various component activities involved in the project as a whole; obtaining the glass and putty, installing the new glass, choosing the paint, obtaining a tin of paint, painting the new putty once it has set, wiping the new glass free of finger smears etc. The owner cannot buy the new paint until you have chosen it, he/she cannot paint the new putty until the window is installed and the new putty has set. Delaying the acquisition of the glass is likely to delay the entire project - this activity will be on the critical path and have no float, of any sort, attached to it and hence it is a 'critical activity'8. Julien, D.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Japanese Americans Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Japanese Americans - Research Paper Example The migration of Japanese Americans to the United States is associated with the Hawaiian sugar industry between 1870 and 1880 in addition to, Japan painful transition to the modern economy that resulted in civil disorder, unemployment, and bankruptcies. This was a major reason why there was a large migration of Japanese to Hawaii. As a result, from 1900, a majority of Japanese in U.S live in Hawaii. Over 30,000 Japanese moved to Hawaii, single men being the majority. They practiced farming and farm laborers, who immigrated as sojourners instead of settlers. They are also said to have gone to Pacific Northwest in 1880 when federal legislation excluded the Chinese immigration and as a result demanded new labor immigrants. The Japanese immigrants comprised of 40 % of railroad laborers in Oregon (Spickard, 2009).As years passed, the Japanese returned to Japan. They anticipated for the legislation of the American Law against the Hawaii contract labor after the Americans took over their pl antations. They imported more than 27,000 Japanese laborers. However, the contracts were void under American laws leaving a number of Japanese free to migrate to U.S. Hawaii still remained the center of concentration for Japanese in many years. The Japanese immigrants preferred to live in Hawaii rather that U.S mainland because of race relations which were worse in U.S mainland than Hawaii.The U.S government was, however; at ease issuing passports for both Hawaii and U.S mainland but still controlled the Japanese emigrants.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Issues of business ethics and social responsibility
Issues of business ethics and social responsibility The achievement of the intentions or set objectives of the business organization requires the establishment of the management structure that ensures proper definition of role and responsibilities to provide the basis for the development of effective selection systems that aid the recruitment and engagement of suitable personnel to occupy positions created within the context of the business enterprise to discharge the assigned roles and responsible forward the achievement of the set goals and objective of the business concern Indeed, the set objectives of the business organization cannot be achieved unless the employees of the business enterprise demonstrate the appropriate ethical behaviours in the execution of assigned duties, ultimately enhancing the corporate image of the business outfit in the environment where it operates. This becomes essential to stralegies developed to stimulated the patronage of the goods and service produced and provided by the business concern According Dr. B. Odusina, Managing Partner of Upman Ltd in a lecture paper delivered titled: Business Ethics and Corporate Governance on 16 June 2001 at a Seminar Organized for Mobil Oil Producing at Ogere Training Centre; There is the need to stress that employees who demonstrate unethical behaviour do not promote the fortunes and the area being of the business organization, and thus, unless such negative behaviours are abandoned it becomes impossible for them to make the desired contribution towards the success of the business enterprise Odusina went further to say that management science, today has made available range of attributes, and traits that form the basis for the development of the appropriate business ethical behaviour that should should characterize the disposition and action of the individuals discussed in the latter part of this seminar paper. THE CONCEPT OF ETHICS What are Ethics? Ethics are mural laws that involve: A high Sense of self Awareness Manage tin: Time Management Life Goals Programming Personal Grooming Consciousness Human Relations Striving for Excellence Self Discipline A High sense of Responsibility and loyalty towards: Ones Own Roles Towards Superiors and Subordinates Towards Company Customers and Suppliers Towards the acquisition and use of other resources Towards ones own family, community and nation Nigeria 3. A high sense of Probity in: (a) Dealing with Confidential matters (b) Handling Companys Finances (c) In very different situations A high sense of Accountability For authority and roles played For resources utilized For the life spent HISRORICAL PERSPECTIVE OF BUSINESS ETHICS We start by looking at some causes in recent years of public concern about organizational behaviour. It would, of course be doing a great injustice to past generations to imagine that only our own taken this topic seriously. The 19th century, while giving rise to some highly undesirable business practices, was notable also for its pioneering work in area such as antislavery child labour reforms, and the development legislative framework to curb abuses in company financing. A society which deniers credit to the ethical pioneers of the past, just because they did not address all of today prominent themes, begins to undermine its own foundation. According to David Munay (1997) the ethics of business and organizational life have acquired a considerably higher public as well as professional profile during the past fifteen years Managers and top captains of industrial concerns now receive numerous invitations to conferences, seminars and workshops on topics such as corporate values, corp orate governance and other ethical aspects of management. The books falls carry an increasing number of specialist titles and no self respecting management text can now omit at least some discussion of organizational values or corporate social responsibility. The 1970s in Nigeria saw a focus on rapid wealth creation because of oil boom; a get -rich -quick syndrome and the widespread ignoring of moral imperatives beyond profit loss and cash flow statements. In Nigeria particularly we are now well into a decade of moral reflection Business if far from being the only spare in which this is happening, but it is particularly noticeable arguably because of the widespread neglect of such matters for so long To some extent, this increased interest may be a consequence of a relatively high number of widely publicized scandals as it includes bank frauds, failed contracts, tax evasing by corporate multinationals, swindles in hard currencies by top government functionaries, scandalous advance fee fraud popularly called 419 that is affecting our image abroad to mention a few About three consecutive times last year 2004, most of our popular dailies reported Nigeria to be the second most corrupt country in the world, after Cameroon. This was on the good authority of Transparency International These and other phenomenal unethical practice are giving the government and private sector operators a serious concern. The recent collapse of Arthur Anderson and other much respected international concerns are a case in point EVEYDAY ETHICS The key business ethics concern is the way that the business conducts itself in its ordinary, every day routline activities The way the firm deals with its staff and its customers, the way it designs and supports its products, the way it awards contract and apportions blameà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ these are the key determines of whether a business is ethical, and are as important as the way it deals with crises. According to Elaire Sternberg (2000) the events that attract attention major frauds, for example may not represent ethical dilemmas for business: in such cases business people often agree on what is right. The problems that such events pose are real ones, but often concern practical difficulties; how to implement agreed moral standard, how to deal with the villains who sadly exist in business as in elsewhere: Sternberg opined further that the really thorny business ethics issues in contrast, are those where there a genuine disagreement about what is right or wrong. THE TOOLS OF ETHICS VALUES It is useful in this text to recognize that business ethics can refer to several different things most commonly, it refers to ethical conduct in and by business. In this sense, in benefits to business include doing the right typically promotes achievement of business goals. While doing the wrong things hinders the successive pursuit of those goals. To recognize things are the right things however, it is helpful to understand the principles that underlie ethical conduct in business. Accordingly business ethics as the knowledge and study of such principles can also be of value to business. According to sternbery (2000), an ethical decision that clearly sets out the principle of business ethic can help business both to identify and actually resolve business ethics problems. A model is theà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦equivalent of a map it can help guide business through the ethical issues that it inevitably must handle A model is not, however a panacea just as a Map does not physically smooth out the human. What an ethical decision model can do is extremely valuable. Most fundamentally, I can help to eliminate conceptual issues, it can help a business avoid wasting its resource on spurious problems and unwarranted guilt. An ethical decision model can indicate when and how ethical discussion is appropriate in a business context. When all within the business share a common vocabulary for ethical matter, they can articulate moral standards and moral questions easily By reducing moral muteness and promoting the early detection and resolution of ethical issues, an ethical decision model therefore enables the business to benefit from the vigilance its staff. Accordingly, an ethical decision model can do much to reduce the costs and adverse consequence of ethical problems. By illuminating what is at stake in any situation, and what the alternate course of action might be an ethical decision can indicate what information is relevant and what can be ignored. CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE TO VALUES In a given culture, at a given time, there is broad agreement on major values. Mos people agree on what is good (e.g. the right vole), and what is bad (corruption in government). Not all people or groups of people hold the same value, but the value o of those in majority will affect beliefs and behaviours of society. According to Yalokwu (2002), The action of managers are affected largely by then personal beliefs (Guth and Jaguini, 1965). For examples manager who are motivated by economic value will tend to stress the importance of growth for their companies. Managers who are motivated by social values on the other hand, might be willing to sacrifice some company growth to improve the conditions of service of the employees. But however, values are not only factors, that influence managers decision. The specific situation a manager faces will have great influence on or even dominate how a manager behaves. RIGHTS: Ethical concerns penneate every aspect of business activity Ethical issues arise obviously in connection with core ethical values; when there are question of, for example honesty or justice. They also are potentially at issue whenever action or decision affect other people, either by helping or by harming them. But ethical issues can even arise when other peoples right and interests are not directly at stake. Whenever there is a chose to be made between values or a better and a worse way of doing something or a thing is deemed to be a good one of its kind, an ethical judgment is involved. In this broad sense, most judgments and choices and decision about goals standard, quality and priorities are ethical. Accordingly, most business action and choices, decision and judgments have ethical aspects; they involve specifically ethical values or help or harm people or indicate character, or all of the above. Sternberg (2000) opined that, hiring and firing, choosing suppliers, setting prices establishing objectives, allocating resources, determining dividends; disciplining workers, planning schedules, awarding contracts à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ all involve ethical choices. Even the most trivial decision and ones that appear to be made on purely technical or economic groups typically have ethical aspects, it is not, just in the fringe areas of do gooding that ethical issue occur, but through out all of business ethic is inescapable in business as in life In order, therefore, to know which ethical issues should concern business as business, and to resolve ethical problems in ways that are appropriate for business a clear understanding of business ethics is essential If it is a companys responsibility to be concerned with advancing the interests of its employees, then it will be essential to consider the issue of stability of employment as it is quit apparent that this constitutes one of the paramount interest of most employees. At the very least, losing his job is likely to cause grave in convenience loan employee: he will go through a period of uncertainty and anxiety, will face a period more or less long without stable income, will incur search cost looking for a new job, and at the end of the day may be forced to move to different locally (Elegilo 1996) A firm seen to be truly committed to do its best to provide stability on employment will be sending a very powerful message to its employees that is really concerned about their welfare. The firm is thereby laving the foundation for a two-may commitment. It is well known that guarantee of the life time employee constitutes one of the bases of the extra ordinary loyally that Jepanese employees traditionally exhibit toward their companies. However, what is clear is that the foundation of employee loyalty, in any cas can easily be destroyed by policies that seem to be based on a consideration of the employees so many cost to be cut. Still, it is important to keep a sense of perspective and make it clear that there is no question of auguring that terminating an employee is intrinsically immoral will not be so if the objective by germinating an employee is something good in itself. As would be the case in situations in which management seeks to preserve on enhance the long term viability of the firm, improve the cost structure of the company or (in the case of an unproductive or disruptive employee) remove cause of lower morale or a potential source of danger to other employees. As a matter of fact, terminating some employees may not be unethical but I source cases a may well be a definite ethical duty We may find it emotionally repugnant to dismiss an employee who has a large family; yet managers are not paid to follow the courses of action that they personality fund congenial, but to protect the common good of the company (Elegilo 1996). When preserving the jobs of some employee becomes incompatible with the health or even the survival of the whole organization as it eventually happened in the case of intel. Then failing to take the necessary measure can easily amount to gross irresponsibility. This will be much more so in the case of individual employees who through presistent misconduct erode the standard of the company Other tools of Ethics: 1. Loyalty Steadfastness in allegiance to the management of the business enterprise. The implies the commitment on the part of the set objectives of the business organization 2. Fairness The avoidance of discriminating tendencies in dealing with people of diverse background, endeavouring to treat all human beings as equal, and then give each person equal opportunities 3. Principled Behaviour: The demonstration of a consistent behaviour in similar situations that makes ones behavour predictable, and ensuring the same decision being made in similar situations 4. Confidentiality Being discreet in dealing with the publics in a manner that makes the employee to refuse to divulge official information even in the face of financial inducernent or inspite of threats to his life. MORAL RULES IN HUMAN RELATIONS AND COMMON MORALITY Human Relations Concept The concept of human relations is so vast and encompassing that it touches every aspect of our lives .it is true that whatever we are are doing involves human relation and in interactions in one form or the other Human relations encompass a body of knowledge through which workers and management get things done through each other. Ack Halloran (1978) defines human relation relations as all the interactions that occur among people, whether they are conflicts or cooperative behaviours. The study of how people in work effectively in groups in order to satisfy both organizational goals and personal Kosson Stan (1978) observes that human relations are concerned with the of the people and their groups. It also learns the what that can be done to anticipate, prevent or resolve conflict among organization members The field of human relations is action -oriented emphasizing the analysis presentation and resolution of behavioural problems within organization. Philosophy of Human Relations Dougleas, McGregor (1960) gave the following as the basis of Human relations:- The loyalty and cooperation of the individual in the organization must be earned, won and described. the individual employee in respect of his status, right, prospects for advancement, and his economic well-being, is inescapably linked with the success of the enterprise by which he is employed. The basic relationship of the individual should not be jeopardized by government or union and management activities Personal policies and practices must be designed implemented in such a manner as to promote and safeguard the rights and well-being of the workers. The organisation stays for the individual and not the individual for their organisation Organisation must to provide for the economic and social security of their employees. The society must be free and ready to safeguard their rights and privileges Steps Managers Should Take in Maintaining Human Relations According to William Scolt (1962) managers can create a good human relations environment if they do the following they should lead as they want to be led They should know their personnel they should be genuinely interested in their subordinate They should be afraid to share responsibilities they should tell their people why thins are to be done They should treat subordinates with dignity and respect They should help the people in performing the tasks assigned to them 8. They should praise their people even in public. Human Relations Effectiveness: Use of words The use of words in human relation is the key to it success. Good words in communication, motivation and leadership is essential in any human relations exercise. Good words can do miracles whereas bad words bad words can pollute the atmosphere. It can also cause enormous pain. Stan, Kossen, (1978) gave the following rules: The least important word is l The two most important words is we The two must important words Thank you The three most important words if you please The four most important works: What is your opinion? The five most important words you did a good job The six most important words: ladmit l made a mistake From the foregoing exposition of moral rules in human relations, it can now well be established that the principle of reciprocity will play a big dual-role of keeping strictly to ethical standards on the part of employee and ensuring that their (employee) welfare is not jeopardized by management. Every partly involved (employer/employee) will see themselves as stakeholder that must ensure the sustenance of achieving corporate goals. No side will feel a sense of insecurity or unfairly treated. Differently put, common morality will now say; Respect begets respects Therefore no party will want to jottion the contractual relationship of ensuring the human success through honesty by employees; on the one hand, and treasuring the human resource (employees) by management by seeing to their welfare on the other hand RE -ESTABLISHING LONG-TERM BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONS AND EMPLOYEES Step one: Re- establish Code and Policies for Sustainability Step Two: Re-establish Justice Step three: Re-establish Fairness Step Four: Re-establish Practices of honesty COMMON MORALITY 1. Dignity * Apologize for immorality delay * Extend personal à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. 2. Honesty * Stop the spiral of denials * Implement full and immediate disclosure * Facilitate access and respond openly to all queries 3 Fairness * Ensure compensation is commensurate with loss * Accelerate reconciliation to serve as many as possible, and as quickly as Possible Encode and practice lessons to benefit future transactions 4. Sustainability * Use the humiliation of this experience to lead a worldwide effort to standardize global practices 5. Auditing * Establish formal framework for monitoring ethical orientation * Report ethical progress alongside financial progress * Organize think tank ethical group to supervise compliance 6 Updating * Begin planning for ethical mandate beyond resolution of the Holocust issue * Report progress and plans to the world community, employees and industry association. All of us can give many example of ethical rules. Some which readily come to mind are: One should not tell lies, One should keep ones promises' one should respect ones parents, One should help people in distress etc. Many ethical rules are controversial at least to some extent. Thus, for example, while a large majority of people would agree that in most situation, one should not tell lies, there is far less agreement if one proceeds to ask whether exception is to this rule are allowed in some more or less extreme cases. Assume for instance that a mad man carrying cutlass in his hand, asked you whether your sister is in the house. You reasonably fear that he wants to attack her. Your sister is actually in the house. Does the rule that you should not lie cover this situation? When the proper scope and meaning of an ethical rule is called into question, one should refer it to the more ultimate principle and purpose that justify the rule. Thus for example, in the case of the mad man with cutlass, one could reason that one should fell no lie, because (i) telling lies is a way of harming the people one deceive and (ii), it tends to undermine mutual trust among people. If that were the complete justification of the rule against telling lie, which is not the case), it could follow that the rule did not apply in this case. By telling the madman that your sister is not at home, you would not be harming him in any way. One the contrary, you would be preventing him from doing him from doing something that, once he recovers his sanity, he would greatly regret harming alone, nor would you be undermining trust among people by acting in this way. According to Elegido (1996) the following constitute a reasonably complete list of independent and ultimate principle of business ethics. Principle of Solidarity: We must be concerned with promoting the well being of all human beings, not only our own. In so far as we fail to do so, we undermine our own fulfillment. Principle of Rationality: One should always strive to act intelligently Principle of Fairness or Impartiality: One should apply the same standards in judging ones own actions, those who are dear to one, and those of strangers Principle of Efficiency: In trying to promote human fulfillment good intentions are not enough: one must endeavour to use effective means. Principle of Refrain from willing harm to a human being: One should never choose directly to harm a human being. Principle of Role Responsibility: One does not have responsibility for all the aspects of the well-being of all human beings. Ones special circumstance, roles and commitments give one a priority responsibility for certain aspect of the well being of certain people. ETHICS AND SITUATIONAL FACTIRS IN ETHICAL BEHAVIOURS IN BUSINESS As noted by Gary Edward, President of the Ethics Resource Centre in the U.S, two-thirds of companies seeking ethical programmes came off the front page as a result of serious wrong-doing. This suggests that ethic are largely a tactical response to a serious problem, rather than a strategic commitment to a more enduring opportunity and obligation. From this perspective, most ethical initiatives aim to avoid repeating the mistakes that caused that particular crisis. The Federal Government established various agencies to curb a series of unethical practices in our national life. These include ICPC and EFCC Acts and the rest of it. The aim of these agencies among other reasons include overhauling the national and national image of Nigerians both at home and abroad. But this ethical renewal is one situation where the rifle short or fire brigade approach is clearly not enough. Codes and procedures, targeted to an impropriety may highlight the specific of the problem, and usually assign blame to one individual or a group of people, but without addressing the wider cultural competitive and personal factors that contribute to it. The Nigerian society is originally poverty-driven. Probably because of our low technology/agrarian nature or because of our leadership problem and/or total depending on oil, 90% of the national wealth us being controlled by less than 10% of our people. We operate crude capitalism in which the rich is getting richer and the poor, getting poorer. There is highly level insecurity felt by both the private and public sector workers especially about what tomorrow has in stock for them. It is everybody to himself, God for us all; who ever is slow, may the devil take him. In such circumstance, individual is desperately looking for the opportunity to grab and secure his tomorrow and that of his family. Therefore, a feel of patriotism or national consciousness is secondary in the minds of most Nigerians. Unfortunately or incidentally, we worship those who have been privileged to occupy the seat of power, not minding the fact that these people amassed their wealth by crucked means. We roll out chieftaincy titles, and national honours for the celebrated thieves According to John, Dalta Costa (2000) ethics as a reflex action are never as comprehensive or as motivational as the thinking and commitment applied to ethics as pre-eruption. That so many companies and notable corporate bodies and individuals in Nigerian are repeat offenders is directly due to the narrowness of seeing ethics in relation to a one time problem rather than in the context of the national psyche. Companies hire sonant people but do not leave them only to their wits to manage. Organisations expect strategies to be planted, analyses to precede decisions, and measure, to be put in place to monitor progress and results. Sonant companies, as learning organizations as Shell Petroleum, Mobile Producing to mention a few also invest consistently in training and skills development. An ethical orientation involves the same discipline. In addition to understanding the dynamics, that contributed to an error of ethical judgment, organizations need to explore the keeper tensions and contradictions that may put ethics at risk in future. Just as strategies require a situation analysis, ethics requires a temptation analysis. In other words, any individual or groups of people who are put into positions of responsible accountability must have their red alert threshold tests conducted. Retrogression analysis test or other psycho-analytical tests could be administered on them. Differently put, what moral and legal issues have raised ethical concerns in the past? How are these changing and testing the behaviour of the business organisation and its individual employees? What are new pressure points created by changes in technology or competition or globalization? How do corporate behaviours and policies influence the perception of those ethical conundrums? The process here is one of scanning the horizon with an ethical perspective, of expecting new confusions and temptations and anticipating risk. Central to the exercise is understanding not only the scope and scale of temptation but to the moral strengths and weakness of the business organisation for withstanding and overcoming them. This may involve and audit of past ethical performance an analysis of transgressions or an evaluation of the ethical concerns of the employees. The internent, as an example provides much more intimate access to customers, but it also à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. new issues of privacy and respect. So, in using this new medium, are the companys ethical skills maturing in concert with its, technical competence? How well equipped is the company for dealing constructively with new temptation afforded by the new technology? According to Dalla Costa, (2002) a strategic assessment sets the course for what must be done. An ethical assessment investigates the how. As we have learned from total quality and other programmes of corporate renewal, the what and how can no longer be separated. THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY People often speak of the responsibilities of the firm of the firm or in a more common phrase, the social responsibility of companies These expressions are often used very loosely and are given different meanings be different speakers. Some people assert that business organizations have responsibilities which go beyond making profits. Often, what they have in mind is that it is proper for companies to support worthy community initiatives like universities, museums, hospitals, to reduce a minimum pollution: going voluntarily beyond the standard, set by the law. To employ the physically handicapped; to refuse to invest in certain places (e.g apartheid south Africa) in order to hasten desirable political objectives: and generally to use their activities in a way which is not calculated to maximize their profits but which will contribute to the common goal/good of the communities in which they operate. Other people reject outright the above position and argue that the only responsibilities of a business company are to obey the law and make profits for its shareholders. Still other think that companies can legitimately concern themselves with some of the causes listed above but not with others. It is not easy to find ones bearing in this jungle of conflicting opinions. It is often said that it is the duty of a companys managers to maximize their companys profits. Now whether or not managers have such duty will be a debatable topic. Fundamentally, maximizing profit does not just mean making an effort to generate greater profit. It means making every efforts to make profits as large as possible, subordinating literally everything (including loyalty, compassion the environment social welfare and other such considerations) to the increase of profits. According to Elegido, there is no argument or at least, there outght not to be, that profit is externally important for all business organizations but before one agrees that firms ought to maximize their profits, one ought to ask whether one agrees that profit is ultimately the only thing that matters in business and that in case of conflict, every other consideration ought way before it. PROF. FRIENDMANS POSITION Prof. Friedman, the famous monetary economist has consistently argued in favour of the thesis that an organistion has only one responsibility: maximizing profits for its shareholders while operating within the limits set by the law. He set out his main arguments for this position in a famous and other quoted articles entitled: The Social Responsibility of Business is to increase its profits. In Friedmans view, it is certainly a responsibility of organizations to respect all the laws which protect the public interest. But going beyond this would amount to having socially responsible executives functioning as redistributors who would take other peoples money and spend it on what these executives themselves defined as the general social interest, as if they were some sort of self appointed tax collectors. It is Friedmans contention that it will be better for everybody if business executives concentrate on maximizing profit for in this way, they will more effectively be led by and invisible hand to promise the good of the society. In fairness to Friedman, it sho
Friday, October 25, 2019
Harsh Issues in A Streetcar Named Desire :: Streetcar Named Desire
Harsh Issues in A Streetcar Named Desire         A Streetcar Named Desire, by Tennessee Williams, is a play which deals with many harsh issues like spousal abuse, rape, and insanity. The play is mainly about Blanche and her sister Stella. Blanche arrives at her sisterÕs house after being fired from the school where she taught and after loosing the big family house. She says she is on a leave of absence, but Stella and her husband, Stanley, soon find out the truth. Throughout the play Blanche acts as someone she isnÕt, in order to hide her past and hope that someone will desire her. Her escape is futile for her past is uncovered, and her last chance to meet a man is destroyed.The main theme of this play is the uselessness of escape. Blanche arrives at her sistersÕ house acting like someone she isnÕt. Her dirty past, and her motives for puting on this act are quickly discovered and Blanche ends up in a nut house.           When Blanche arrives at her sistersÕ home she says that she has come to stay with them temporarily because she has lost the family estate (she could no longer support it financially). Blanche has an air of superiority, indirectly commenting on where her sister lives and acting as if she has more class. When Stanley meets Blanche he is quickly suspicious of how she obtained all of her clothes, furs and jewelry. In the third scene Stanley is drunk after a poker night and hits his wife. They reconciliate the same night and Blanche puts on an act of how terrified she is, even after being reassured by two people the event wasnÕt a big deal. In scene four Blanche tells her sister about one of her rich friends that could send her some money and get her out of her bind. This is a lie, later on Stanley finds out that this man is not rich, and just an old aquantance of Blanche. Later on Blanche has a converstaion with Stella, which Stanley over hears, where she speaks of Stanley calling him primitive and saying he has animal like behaviors. This turns Stanley against Stella, even though he says nothing to her face. Blanche meets Mitch one of StanleysÕ friends, and one day she explains to her sister that she wants to decieve Mitch so that he wants
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Like Water for Chocolate Essay
Suggests that the soup has made her feel like a baby again given that while she is still in her mom’s belly she cries very hard when onions are chopped and it suggest the impact of food to Tita. After drinking the soup Tita has miraculously recovered from the loss of pigeons which she kept as pet and that triggered her sense of loosing Pedro and R erself to cook she fell in love with it and got a part time job as an assistant to a cooking teacher. Even though she has a lack of precision she was hired because she wasn’t afraid to fail and has a passion to cook unlike the others and getting hired made her feel confident, hence gaining control of life through cooking. The protagonist, Tita in Like Water for Chocolate gains control through cooking as well. Cooking is the only thing Tita love to do because Mama Elena bans her from doing a lot of things; the kitchen is the area where she can retreat from Mama Elena’s demands. When she cooked quail in rose petal sauce she controlled and triggered a lot of people’s emotion. Her sister Gertrudis was the first on affected by the dish, it aroused her sexual desire. She fled naked from her burning shower and when on a horse, galloping away with a soldier. Another incident where she gained control is the Chabela wedding cake she made for her lover Pedro and Rosaura. Even though she couldn’t stop the wedding, she made everyone cry. She made people cry for her tragic experience not only the guests cried, Mama Elena cried as well. She lost control of her life but through cooking she gain control of people’s emotions. In Like Water for Chocolate, food is not just a nutrition it acts as a very important nurturing role. The ox-tail soup Dr. John gave Tita has recalled the best moments of her life and brought back memories of her and Nacha making ox-tail soup together, chopping onions. It suggests that the soup has made her feel like a baby again given that while she is still in her mom’s belly she cries very hard when onions are chopped and it suggest the impact of food to Tita.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Compare and contrast the arbitration laws of two countries Essay
The significant increase in the role of international trade in the economic development of nations over the last few decades has been accompanied by a considerable increase in the number of commercial disputes as well. Today rapid globalization of the economy and the resulting increase in competition has led to an increase in commercial disputes. At the same time, however, the rate of industrial growth, modernization, and improvement of socio-economic circumstances has, in many instances, outpaced the rate of growth of dispute resolution mechanisms Keeping in mind the broader goal of exploring links between the quality of legal performance, this assignment is an attempt to critically evaluate arbitration in India as a legal institution and to judge the growth and development of the same and to see the exact footing of India in the international front a simultaneous comparison of the arbitral laws of USA to that of India has also been made. In this assignment, the evolution of arbitration law and practice in India has been explored. This assignment is divided into three parts Part 1 explores the evolution of Arbitral laws in USA and India, the underlying idea behind this is to see the process through which arbitration came into being and how the old is the law and its due development in the respective countries. Part 2 explores the present arbitral laws in light of The Federal Arbitral Act and The Arbitration and conciliation Act. Part 3 compares the laws and arbitral process in India with that of USA this part shows the similarity and distinction of the laws in both the countries and also highlights the common meeting point of both the laws. HISTORY OF ARBITRATION LAW IN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Native Americans used arbitration as a means of resolving disputes within and between tribes long before Europeans journeyed to America’s Atlantic shores.However the use of arbitration was introduced in America by the revolutionary war by the colonists who had had business experience in Europe. The use of arbitration in the ports of Europe was already known at that time among maritime and trade businesses. The experience of arbitration as a means of dispute resolution which minimized conï ¬â€šict and allowed continuation of the business relationship was brought to Atlantic by the people coming to live and work in North America. In England, arbitration is a much older concept than the common law system, which the United States courts later adopted. In fact, in England arbitration was used as a common means of commercial dispute resolution from as long as 1224. George Washington, the first President of USA incorporated an arbitration clause in his will that basically stated that, ‘ if any dispute should arise over the wording of the document that a panel of three arbitrators would be implemented to render a final and binding decision to resolve the dispute.’ In the ï ¬ rst decade of the 20th Century, several major trade groups applied arbitration beneï ¬ ts of simplicity, speed and minimal enmity. When New York’s The Association of Food Distributors, Inc. (originally known as the Dried Fruit Association of New York) was formed, its bylaws included an arbitration panel for the resolution of disputes. This was done to reduce the risk that its disagreeing members in case of any dispute and after its settlement would find ,themselves unable to resume their business relationship.1 Until the early 1920s, the only law governing arbitration proceedings in the United States came from court decisions, some dating made in the cases in17th and 18th Centuries. In 1925, The Federal Arbitration Act was enacted. It was a recognition of the several beneï ¬ ts of arbitration and it thereby established a national policy which promoted arbitration.It was initially designed to overcome the judicial hostility that was existing towards arbitration which had evolved from the English courts. With the increasing industrialization and growth and development the reluctance of people to adopt arbitration decreased. With the rise in number of disputes mainly involving â€Å" a transaction of commerce†AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION was established by Moses Grossman in 1926 and an era of Alternate Dispute Resolution was started by Charles Bernheimer2 . The National Labour Realtion Act passed in 1930 marked the a steep rise in the concept and usage of Arbitration in USA. The second woeld war was the turning point for arbitration law in America the economic depression and arising conflict led to more and more dispute settlement by means of arbitration by the War Labour Board. A major milestone regarding Arbitration Law was Achieved in the 1970 when when the Uniform Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (The New York Convention)3 became law in the United States by the addition of Chapter 2 to the Federal Arbitration Act.This convention is still effective and provides for International Arbitration Awards which is considered to be more reliable and consistent than the existing court judgement framework in the country. Bibliography LINKS REFERRED: Alternative dispute resolution – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Development and Practice of Arbitration in India –Has It Evolved as an Effective Legal Institution? – CDDRL Jurisdiction IALR.pdf Conflict resolution research – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Symposium/Stipanowich New Litigation Final.pdf STATUTES REFRRED: The Abitration and Conciliation Act 1996 The Federal Arbitration Act 1925 United States Arbitration Act The Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1940
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Sacred Heart University Admissions and Acceptance Rate
Sacred Heart University Admissions and Acceptance Rate Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut admits over half of the applicants each year. Those interested in applying to the school will need to submit an application, letters of recommendation, and official high school transcripts. While SAT or ACT scores are not required, prospective students can submit them if they would like. Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Sacred Heart University Acceptance Rate: 57 percentGPA, SAT and ACT Graph for Sacred Heart Admissions: Sacred Heart University does not require applicants to submit standardized test scores with their application. You are welcome to do so if you want them to be considered.Northeast Conference SAT score comparisonNortheast Conference ACT score comparisonCompare SAT scores for Connecticut collegesCompare ACT scores for Connecticut colleges Sacred Heart University Description Founded in 1963, Sacred Heart is a relatively young Catholic university. The 69-acre campus is located in Fairfield, Connecticut, 90 minutes from Manhattan. The university has a 13 to 1 student/faculty ratio and an average class size of about 22. Sacred Heart has 45 degree programs. Among undergraduates, business and psychology are the most popular. The school frequently ranks well among northeastern colleges. On the athletic front, the Sacred Heart University Pioneers compete in the NCAA Division I Northeast Conference. The school fields 31 Division I teams, and students can also participate in 28 club sports. Enrollment (2015) Total Enrollment: 8,532 (5,428 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 36 percent male / 64 percent female88 percent full-time Costs (2016 -17) Tuition and Fees: $38,300Books: $1,200 (why so much?)Room and Board: $14,450Other Expenses: $2,650Total Cost: $56,600 Sacred Heart University Financial Aid (2015 -16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 100 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 99 percentLoans: 68 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $15,033Loans: $11,047 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors: Accounting, Athletic Training, Biology, Business Administration, Communication Studies, Criminal Justice, English, Finance, Nursing, Political Science, Psychology What major is right for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 83 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 58 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 64 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Fencing, Football, Wrestling, Volleyball, Basketball, Golf, Soccer, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, BaseballWomens Sports: Rowing, Rugby, Fencing, Golf, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Bowling, Basketball, Cross Country If You Like Sacred Heart, You May Also Like These Schools Boston University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphSouthern Connecticut State University: Profile Yale University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphNew York University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphQuinnipiac University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphAlbertus Magnus College: Profile Hofstra University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphBrown University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWesleyan University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphProvidence College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Connecticut: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of New Haven: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Sacred Heart University Mission Statement Read the complete mission statement at Sacred Heart University is a coeducational, independent, comprehensive institution of higher learning in the Catholic intellectual tradition whose primary objective is to prepare men and women to live in and make their contributions to the human community. Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics
Monday, October 21, 2019
Hitler essays
Hitler essays On the twentieth of April in the year 1889, a day like all others, Alois Hitler and his wife Klara, which was his third, gave birth to Adolf Hitler. When Adolf was young, he was in a choir and he even actively went to church. Academically he was a good student, receiving good grades in his classes, but he failed German and Mathematics in his the last year. He did, however, achieve in Gym and Drawing class. At an age of 16, he dropped out of school to become either an artist or an architect. He moved to Vienna, Austria to attempt to get into the Academy of Arts. He failed every time he tried to join. He was somewhat skilled in drawing however the drawings lacked imagination, creativity, and originality. The Dean of this academy said that Adolf would never become a painter. This rejection led Adolf to a plunging downfall, for he couldnt apply to the school of architecture, due to a lack of a diploma. Many Historians say that if the Academy would have accepted him, the world m ight have not gone through the nightmare that it went through. Hitler was economically unable to maintain just by selling drawn pictures of famous landmarks on post cards. He read a paper, which gave him the ideas of blaming the Communists and the Jews for all the problems in the world. In the year 1913 he moved to Munich because he felt that the Germans were superior and were destined to rule the world. In 1914 when the Great War broke out, Hitler volunteered for the Imperial army of Germany. He was skilled in the martial arts, receiving many awards. However, when Germany lost the war and surrendered, Hitler was very enraged. He believed that the Jews and the Communists betrayed and sold out Germany. Germany was full of anarchy after the war. Many conflicting governments started to arise. Since Germany was in a depression, employment was limited. Hitler remained in the army and was assigned to jobs of meeting various groups of gove...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Future Perfect Tense in Italian
The Future Perfect Tense in Italian â€Å"In two years, I will have learned Italian.†How do you express a sentence like that in Italian? You use a tense called il futuro anteriore, or the future perfect tense in English. You’ll notice that it looks similar to the il futuro semplice, the simple future tense, but has an extra addition. Here’s what that sentence above will look like: Fra due anni, sarà ² riuscito/a ad imparare l’italiano. If you’re familiar with the future tense, you’ll notice the â€Å"sarà ²Ã¢â‚¬ , which is the first person conjugation of the verb â€Å"essere - to be†. Immediately after, you’ll see another verb â€Å"riuscire - to succeed at/to be able to†in a past participle form. (If you’re not sure a past participle is, take a look at this article. It’s basically just the form a verb changes to when you need to talk about something that happened in the past. Other examples you might recognize are â€Å"mangiato†for the verb â€Å"mangiare†and â€Å"vissuto†for the verb â€Å"vivere†.) I’ll give you a few examples first and then we’ll break down how you can start forming and using the futuro anteriore. Esempi Alle sette avremo gi mangiato. - By seven well already have eaten.Noi avremo parlato al padre di Anna. - We will already have spoken to Annas father.Marco non à ¨ venuto alla festa, sar stato molto impegnato. - Marco didn’t come to the party, he must have been very busy. When to Use It Typically you’ll use this verb tense when you’re talking about an action in the future (like you having already eaten) before something else happens (like it being 7 PM). You can also use it when you’re unsure about something that’s happening in the future or that happened in the past, like you thinking that the reason Marco didn’t come to the party was because he was busy. In this case, other words that you could use instead of forming the futuro anteriore would be â€Å"forse - maybe†, â€Å"magari - maybe†or â€Å"probabilmente - probably†. How to Form the Futuro Anteriore As you saw above, the futuro anteriore is created when you combine a future tense conjugation (like sarà ²) with a past participle (like riuscito), which makes it a compound tense. To be more specific though (and easier on you), there are only two verbs that you can use in the future tense conjugation spot, and they are the auxiliary verbs avere or essere. Take a look at the two tables below that show you the future tense conjugations for the verbs â€Å"essere - to be†and â€Å"avere - to have†. Essere - To Be Sar - I will be Saremo - We will be Sarai - You will be Sarete - You all will be Sar - He/she/it will be Saranno - They will be Avere - To Have Avr - I will have Avremo - We will have Avrai - You will have Avrete - You all will have Avr - He/she/it will have Avranno - They will have How Do You Choose Between â€Å"Essere†and â€Å"Avere†?| When you’re deciding which auxiliary verb to use either â€Å"essere†or â€Å"avere†you use the same logic as you would when you’re choosing â€Å"essere†or â€Å"avere†with the passato prossimo tense. So, as a quick reminder, reflexive verbs, like sedersi - to sit oneself, and most verbs that are related to mobility, like â€Å"andare - to go†, â€Å"uscire - to go out†, or â€Å"partire - to leave†, will be paired with â€Å"essere†. Most other verbs, like â€Å"mangiare - to eat†, â€Å"usare - to use†, and â€Å"vedere - to look†, will be paired with â€Å"avere†. Andare - To Go Sar andato/a - I will have gone Saremo andati/e - We will have gone Sarai andato/a - You will have gone Sarete andati/e - You (all) will have gone Sar andato/a - He/she/it will have gone Saranno andati/e - They will have gone Mangiare - To Eat Avr mangiato - I will have eaten Avremo mangiato - We will have eaten Avrai mangiato - You will have eaten Avrete mangiato - You (all) will have eaten Avr mangiato - He/she/it will have eaten Avranno mangiato - They will have eaten Esempi Quando avrà ² finito questo piatto, verrà ² da te. - When I will have finished this dish, I will go to your place.Sarai stata felicissima quando hai ottenuto la promozione! - You must have been/I imagine you were happy when you got the promotion!Appena avrà ² guardato questo film, te lo darà ². - As soon as I have watched this movie, I will give it to you.Riuscirai a parlare l’italiano fluentemente quando avrai fatto molta pratica. - You will succeed at speaking Italian fluently when you will have practiced it a lot.Appena ci saremo sposati, compreremo una casa. - As soon as we are married, we will buy a house.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Micro-Teaching Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Micro-Teaching - Assignment Example (Gardner, 2000, 45) I got hold of some school text books as well as college books on mathematics and statistics. I studied these in depth. I made sure that I understood every word in the explanations. I did quite a few numbers in the exercises to practice. It was not possible to try every sum because they were in large numbers. I referred some experienced teachers on the subject. I also went online and studied pie charts in bona fide websites. In addition to this process, I tried many times to make the presentation more understandable to the level of age that the class I am to teach is under. This would help them realize the subject more practically. (Erickson, 2006, 76) I discussed pie charts and how they are to be taught to university students. I discussed this with one senior and experienced teacher of statistics in the university. I discussed the basic features of pie charts and their use. I also talked to a few students to get an idea of what they expected from teachers. I also learnt when pie charts are best used. These conversations allowed me to see through the process of learning that would most likely work on the students I am particularly dedicating the presentation to. (Gardner, 2001, 54) Through the advice and the perceptions of the people I talked to, I realized when is it best to utilize pie charts and rather give them a more practical sense of function in the class during certain conventional discussions may it be about math or other subjects. How did you select materials I talked to students in the second and third years of their college. I got wind of the text books that contain explanations and problems in pie charts. The teacher I spoke to in this regard also helped me. I also had an idea about the school text books that contained explanations of pie charts. I also went online and used key words to select website that had explanations on pie charts. Through these implicative understanding garnered through research, I made it a point that what I would be presenting to the class would not simply be a functional piece of aide for teaching, but it would also be something that would make learning an easier task for all the students in class regardless of whatever age or whatever level of learning they might be able to grasp.(Tyler, 2001, 54) This made my presentation more applicable to all ages and all learners both in secondary school and university school classes. What alternative approaches did you consider I did think about using audio visuals. Proper use of audio visuals impact students' minds rapidly and clearly. It also becomes easy to explain pie charts use thoroughly with the help of audio visuals. Audio visuals come in many forms. I prefer using my laptop for the purpose. I will have to prepare the notes and charts. I knew that this
Friday, October 18, 2019
CESSM 3 and the NRA method of measurement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
CESSM 3 and the NRA method of measurement - Essay Example In the CESSM3, the maximum depths are categorized, whereas the Series 1700 NRA method of measurement constitutes an additional division that has the planned area of excavationIn Class F&G from CESSM3, the eight most common component types in each class division are compiled; an attempt is not made to list all component types in any class.Class F&G from CESSM3 method of measurement seeks to attain these objects principally by using the Work Classification that defines how the work is to be divided into separate BOQ items, the information to be provided in the descriptions of the items and the units that the quantities will be expressed against each itemBoth the Class F&G from CESSM3 and the Series 1700 NRA Measurement methods allow for an item for geotextiles, although CESSM 3 only lists this item as geotextile and there is no space for the description of the item which is provided for in NRA method of measurement. This item is quite similar for both of these methods of measurement. B oth the Class F&G from CESSM3 and the Series 1700 NRA Measurement methods allow for separate headings for material disposal. Both methods of measurement are measured in M3, but the items to be disposed of vary from one method of measurement to the other. In the NRA method of Measurement, the items are listed as Acceptable material Class 5A, Acceptable material excluding 5A, Unacceptable material ClassU1 and Unacceptable material Class U2. On the other hand, topsoil, rock or artificial hard material, a material other than topsoil, rock and stated artificial hard material are listed in the In Class F&G from CESSM3.
Human rights abuses and violations of international law in Israel-Gaza Article
Human rights abuses and violations of international law in Israel-Gaza war - Article Example Israel is waging a war of self-defense against a â€Å"terrorist organization†(the Hamas authority) and, hence, is obligated to protect its security whilst meeting the â€Å"vital needs†of the civilian population of Gaza. Were these needs at odds with security, priority was to be given to security. Apparently, the Israeli Supreme Court resolved that the Gaza Strip was not occupied by Israel on the basis of the closure of Israeli military rule and the temporary existence of Israeli combatants in Gaza. Therefore, the court decided that, â€Å"Israel no longer has effective control over what takes place within the territory of the Gaza Strip†(Davis & Kirk 128) and, thus, â€Å"has no general obligation to care for the welfare of the residents of the Strip†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Mukhimer 33). Basically, the court believed that the widening of the occupation to a certain territory necessitates the recognition of the right to ‘permanent presence’ of soldiers and hostile armed forces in that territory (Davis & Kirk 128-9). Such facts only show that the Israeli state is in clear violation of the legal rights of the Gaza Strip. Violation of the laws of war by the Israeli army involved drone-propelled missile assaults that took the life of several civilians. Hamas and other Palestinian militias encroached upon the laws of war through rocket-launched attacks intentionally or extensively to civilian territories in Israel (Garlasco 59). Furthermore, both Hamas and Israel keep on violating international humanitarian law. Palestinian armies have loosened up but did not cease their wholesale rocket attacks against Israel. Israel is seriously limiting the import of needed supplies for rebuilding into Gaza. After the hostilities, civilians in Gaza have been incapable of restoring their devastated houses and infrastructures. Insofar as right to self-defense is involved, the UN Charter stated that the right to self-defense is an â€Å"inherent right of [the] state†(Meloni & Tognoni
Individual Case Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Individual Case Analysis - Essay Example Ireland is a manufacturing base with low costs for the manufacturing of US enterprises. The policy towards FDI became more selective in the 1970s which encouraged flow of investments in the production of goods that are produced through modern technology (Ruane & Buckley, 2006, 4-5). Body In the decade of 1990-2000, the country witnessed massive economic transformation. The growth in GDP took the rising curve and fiscal surplus became the norm. The resurgence of the economy earned a great deal of worldwide attention. The experts opined the policies relating to collective bargaining and reforms in the education sector along with exchange rate reforms contributed in the resurgence. But some regarded FDI as the factor that is responsible. The performance of the country was primarily driven by the foreign owned firms serving the EU market. The high performance of the small firms nullified the poor performance of the indigenous sector. Many experts believed that the rising costs along with shortages in labor supply which act as the barrier to competitiveness of the country. The real wages seemed to increase faster than the productivity and reduce the incentive from FDI. Two acts were introduced by the Valera government namely the Finance Act of 1932 and the Control of Manufactures Act of 1932 (Baccaro & Simoni, 7-8). The economic stagnation in 1950 demanded changes in economic regulations. In order to boost the economy, several laws were passed. The country in collaboration with the IMF the World Bank relaxed the restrictions on the control of Manufactures Act. In 1958, there was a shift from protectionism to free trade regime and the government encouraged foreign investments through concessions in tax and incentive grants. The tariff got lowered in the period between 1962 and 1964. In spite of the turbulence faced by the country in 1970s the FDI continued to grow. Industrial development Authority believed that the agency led foreign investment strategy had done litt le to lift the economy. The success witnessed by some sectors did not trickle down to the rest of the economy. The linkage between the foreign investors and local industries was limited. The initiatives to promote foreign investment were not fruitful (Velde, 6). The support provided to the foreign firms particularly operating in the electronics sector was excessive. The MNCs were not blamed for the failure of the strategies as the suppliers lacked the required technical expertise. The IDA holds the mismanagement from the part of the government and is responsible for the situation particularly during the times of high inflation rates. Excessive government spending as well as high rates of unemployment took toll from the economy. The need for resurgence was felt from all sectors and the government took advantage of the situation and forged to create social partnerships across political and social sectors. The IDA took the initiative to promote labor industries of Ireland. A policy of advertising campaign was followed. The emphasis was shifted from tax and financial incentives to building up an educated workforce. The resultant was immigration of new firms into the country. The importance of Ireland among the EU was soon felt. Direct transfers were made into the country through the Single European Act. Funds for development of infrastructure and
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Law - Research Paper Example 1. Arguments in support of firing the teacher (Pros): There are numerous grounds on which the aforesaid high school teacher is liable to be punished and they are stated as follows: I. The act of posing for an adult website is an immoral act by itself and should not have been committed by the teacher. II. Any teacher is a role model for his students and as such the high school teachers’ act of posing in an adult website gives a bad effect on the ideology of the students. Thus, the teacher should be penalized to prevent further damage on the students’ ideology. III. As a teacher of a school she should have conformed to some public, moral, business, and ethical standards as her actions affect her students and indirectly a larger community, which she did not, making her eligible to be dismissed. IV. Before getting hired by the school, the teacher signed an agreement which read, â€Å"I agree to promote this schools mission of training good and law-abiding citizens who will make this society a better place to live.†The act of posing for the adult website creates a bad impact on the students. It can happen that the students start posing for adult websites following the teacher. The teacher violates her contractual obligation â€Å"of training good and law-abiding citizens who will make this society a better place to live†(Contract clause) and therefore she should be fired. V. It can be presumed that the teacher has caused harm to the students by posing for an adult website once students have come to know about it and this makes the teacher liable to â€Å"be sued personally for causing student injury†and she may â€Å"also lose her job†(Kaplan and Owings 252). VI. The high school teacher was also negligent in doing her duty towards preventing harm to the students. She never thought for an instant that when her act of posing for an adult website is disclosed she may cause a bad impact on the ideology of the students and in directly the future of the students. Moreover, â€Å"neglect of duty and negligence†is a ground for dismissal of a teacher in 26 states of US (Neal 86). 2. Legal provisions in support of firing the high school teacher (Pros): There are numerous legal grounds which entail the dismissal of the high school teacher in this case, which includes dismissal of the teacher for immorality, causing harm, violation of contract, injury to the students and negligence. The burden of proof is on the school for proving through evidence that the teacher actions fulfill one of the aforesaid categories, making the teacher liable to be dismissed. The statutes of many states of US allow the dismissal of a teacher for immorality or unprofessional conduct. Immorality or unprofessional conduct authorize firing of teachers for behavior and choice of lifestyle the community or school board holds wrong or unfitting for teachers (Imber and Geel 193). In the instant case, the act of posing for an adult w ebsite is an immoral act and the teacher is liable for immorality. As stated by Essex in his book that immorality â€Å"is often cited as grounds for dismissal†(197). Immorality is a conduct that offends the ethics of a particular community that makes the teachers unfit to teach. The courts tend to view unprofessional acts of immorality as those actions that have an adverse impact on the teacher’
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Critique Of The Last Health Assessment Paper Essay
Critique Of The Last Health Assessment Paper - Essay Example Miss Susan is a 40 years old woman. She is suffering from high blood pressure and is seeking a proper health and diet plan to recover from this medical problem. Last week, she went to see a doctor for health assessment. The doctor/health service provider welcomed her and asked her to tell him every thing about her lifestyle and diet. He wanted to know the type of diet that she takes, as well as the information about her lifestyle. Medical science links both mental state and lifestyle of a person with high/low blood pressure. This can be the reason why the health provider asked Susan about her lifestyle. As Reddin (2012) states, â€Å"stress reduction techniques can help lower high blood pressure†(p. 1). The provider told her some stress reduction techniques to help her control her blood pressure. Diet is also an important factor in determining the cause of high blood factor. Susan told the provider about the diet that she usually takes in breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However , the provider did not ask Susan to tell him whether she does physical exercises or not. After getting the details of Susan’s diet and lifestyle, the provider prescribed her some medicines to her which she had to use within the period of two months. The provider asked her to visit the clinic again after two months for her checkup. As far as the side effects of the medicines are concerned, the provider did not tell her about any of the side effects. He told her to take the medicines regularly. He also prescribed a particular diet to Susan which she had to take before and after the intake of medicines. As far as agreement on the plan of acre is concerned, there was an agreement to some extent as the provider asked Susan to take a particular diet during the period of medication. The provider made her clear that her treatment can be affected if she will not follow the prescribed plan of diet and medication. The provided also told her that if she wants to control her blood pressure, she will have to keep herself cool and calm. The overall environment of the clinic was welcoming and clean. Susan felt very comfortable all the time she spent in the clinic. There was a lady who was welcoming every patient at the entrance of the clinic. There was a very light music being played in the waiting area that was creating a healing environment in the clinic. All of that was done to provide a relaxed and peaceful environment to patients. Today, many hospitals and clinics are focusing on creating therapeutic environment to promote healing and reduce stress (Zborowsky & Kreitzer, 2008). The provider was very good at listening to the concerns of patients. Susan liked the way he communicated with her. For example, he listened to Susan properly before prescribing her the required plan of treatment. Susan asked various questions to him about the causes of high blood pressure, as well as about the ways to keep the blood pressure normal and the provider responded to every question in a friendly manner. The provider asked Susan to wear a patient gown. The physical as sessment was not very appropriate as the provider was a male doctor and he was asking Susan to open the buttons of her shirt to let him hear the sounds of her lungs properly. It was not an appropriate action as there should be some physical distance between a male healthcare provider and a female patient. The provider could have hired a female assistant to check female patients. However, as
Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Law - Research Paper Example 1. Arguments in support of firing the teacher (Pros): There are numerous grounds on which the aforesaid high school teacher is liable to be punished and they are stated as follows: I. The act of posing for an adult website is an immoral act by itself and should not have been committed by the teacher. II. Any teacher is a role model for his students and as such the high school teachers’ act of posing in an adult website gives a bad effect on the ideology of the students. Thus, the teacher should be penalized to prevent further damage on the students’ ideology. III. As a teacher of a school she should have conformed to some public, moral, business, and ethical standards as her actions affect her students and indirectly a larger community, which she did not, making her eligible to be dismissed. IV. Before getting hired by the school, the teacher signed an agreement which read, â€Å"I agree to promote this schools mission of training good and law-abiding citizens who will make this society a better place to live.†The act of posing for the adult website creates a bad impact on the students. It can happen that the students start posing for adult websites following the teacher. The teacher violates her contractual obligation â€Å"of training good and law-abiding citizens who will make this society a better place to live†(Contract clause) and therefore she should be fired. V. It can be presumed that the teacher has caused harm to the students by posing for an adult website once students have come to know about it and this makes the teacher liable to â€Å"be sued personally for causing student injury†and she may â€Å"also lose her job†(Kaplan and Owings 252). VI. The high school teacher was also negligent in doing her duty towards preventing harm to the students. She never thought for an instant that when her act of posing for an adult website is disclosed she may cause a bad impact on the ideology of the students and in directly the future of the students. Moreover, â€Å"neglect of duty and negligence†is a ground for dismissal of a teacher in 26 states of US (Neal 86). 2. Legal provisions in support of firing the high school teacher (Pros): There are numerous legal grounds which entail the dismissal of the high school teacher in this case, which includes dismissal of the teacher for immorality, causing harm, violation of contract, injury to the students and negligence. The burden of proof is on the school for proving through evidence that the teacher actions fulfill one of the aforesaid categories, making the teacher liable to be dismissed. The statutes of many states of US allow the dismissal of a teacher for immorality or unprofessional conduct. Immorality or unprofessional conduct authorize firing of teachers for behavior and choice of lifestyle the community or school board holds wrong or unfitting for teachers (Imber and Geel 193). In the instant case, the act of posing for an adult w ebsite is an immoral act and the teacher is liable for immorality. As stated by Essex in his book that immorality â€Å"is often cited as grounds for dismissal†(197). Immorality is a conduct that offends the ethics of a particular community that makes the teachers unfit to teach. The courts tend to view unprofessional acts of immorality as those actions that have an adverse impact on the teacher’
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Essay Example for Free
Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools Essay Question 1 Summarise the main development of a child from the age range 0-2 years, 3-5 years and 5-8 years. Development 0-2 years When a baby is born they are helpless. Although from 0-2 years the development of a child is very rapid. A baby will go from not being able to hold up their own head to being able to talk, walk, run and climb the stairs all within this time frame. Through this time frame a baby will be able to support and lift their own head and kicking their legs. They will be able to focus on close objects such as their own fingers and hands. They will start to smile and recognise the face of their main care giver. The baby will be startled by sudden noises, such as banging doors. As they progress they will start to reach out for objects and toys that attract their attention and start to make noises. Their hand to hand and hand-eye coordination develops as they learn to pass objects from one had to another and reach out and grab things for themselves. When the child is older they will use this developed hand to hand and hand to eye coordination to start making marks on paper with crayons. As their muscles develop and get stronger they will start to sit up unaided and pull themselves up to a standing position. The child will start teething and begin to learn to crawl and eventually walk unaided. Their independence will grow as they start to want to feed themselves first with finger food then using a spoon. They will start to say simple words such as mama/dada and start to recognise their own name, this will eventually develop into the child starting to string simple sentences together and saying other words and understanding them. As the balance improves a child will learn how to kick and throw a ball. 3-5 years In this stage of development a child will build on what he/she already knows, such as walking. This will be steadier and they will be able to walk backwards and climb up and downstairs confidently. The child will be able to draw more recognisable pictures, such as faces, rather than just scribbles. The vocabulary is a wider range as they learn how to say more words and can string together longer sentences. They will start to ask ‘why’ as they grow more curious about the world around them. As the vocabulary grows they will be more capable of describing how they are feeling (happy, sad or angry).They can learn and recite simple nursery rhymes from memory. As an adult you start to see a personality develop as they develop a sense of humour a sense of what they find funny or not so funny. They start to become sociable and enjoying playing with other children . 5-8 years With this stage of development again the child builds on what he/she already knows. Through this stage adult teeth start to grow. The child can start to do things more confidently, such as being able to use scissors to cut out shapes. With guidance a child will start to learn the consequences of their own actions and behaviour whether it is good or bad. Whilst playing games and sports with their peers they will start to become more competitive. The vocabulary has grown enormously to roughly 2000 words which they have learnt through learning to read or picked up from what other people, adults and peers, have said around them. The ability to concentrate on one thing at a time has also increased and they are less easily distracted. For 3-8 year olds physical development is not as fast paced as it is in the first 2 years of life. 3-8 year old development is more cognitive and emotional. Question 2 Analyse key social, economic and environmental factors which may influence development Allergies Food allergies can be severe as well as fatal, as some allergies, such as nuts, can cause anaphylactic shock. This causes the airways to swell up and cut off the ability to breath. A food allergy that is often over looked is an allergy to E numbers, which is an allergy to artificial colouring and flavouring and sometime emulsifiers that are found in our food. This allergy can cause the child to become hyperactive, violent and in extreme cases physically sick. This can have an effect on a child’s development physically, emotionally and socially. The child may stop eating altogether if, in the extreme cases, they start to associate eating with being sick. This can lead them to stop growing as they are not digesting the nutrients that they need for growth and development. With the hyperactivity comes the inability to focus on any one thing for a set period of time, which will have an effect of what they learn and how well they learn it. Socially the child may be in able to make the friends that he wants as the other child may cautious of the child due to the hyperactivity and possibly the violence. Health Problems There are many health problems that can affect a child’s development. Eczema can cause distraction problems particularly if the child is badly affected by it. Eczema is a drying of the skin which leads it to becoming itchy. If the eczema is not effectively treated then it can lead to the skin being itched to the point where it is broken and bleeding and this in turn can lead to infection. Some cases of eczema are caused by food allergies, fabric powders/ softeners and in some cases we just don’t know why the skin flares up as it does. If the eczema is not treated the child can constantly be itching and uncomfortable and this is at the fore front of their mind rather than the activity at hand. If the child does end up with infected parts of the skin this can lead to poor attendance for school and missing out on the needed education. Environment/Poverty/Social factors such as love and affection The environment a child grows up in can have a detrimental effect on their soc ial skills and building relationships with others. If the child grows up on an environment where there are caring parents/siblings then a child will grow to learn and realise that this is how relationships with others should be, whether it is with a teacher or another child. If there is no love in a family then a child will grow up to think that it is not cared for by anyone at all, this can follow them on into adult life and effect relationships there too. They may become withdrawn, sad and untrusting. Although a child may look ok on the outside inside is full of turmoil. They may come to believe that what has happened to them is there fault and come to regarding themselves as no good and not deserving of the love and kindness that their peers receive. They may also have little trust in the people around them for fear of being hurt by them as they have been before. Living within a large city may cause problems for a child’s development if there is a high level of unemployment and low income. Something as simple as not having access to public transport, whether it’s a bus, taxi or train, because you can’t afford the fares can affect the child being able to get into school on a regular basis and so miss out on the education that they deserve and need. There is another problem that comes with low income. If you have a low income you may only be able to buy what you can afford which may mean a child does not get a balanced diet. Usually with unemployment and low income comes poorer housing. This can lead to health problems in both child and adult alike. They can be affected by mould spores and living in drafty and cold conditions, this will lead to children who may be constantly ill and so in turn cannot attend school as much as they should. These illness may also have an effect on their physical development as the illnesses may affect the ability for the body to develop as it should. Children need constant stimulation whether it is for the mind or the body. Living in poorer areas may mean that areas to play and run around are lacking, whether it is a park or a garden, without proper stimulation a child’s development can be slower to progress that that of his peers. Loss or Bereavement A child may not process death in the same way that an adult or young person does. They may come to realise that a person is no longer a part of their lives. On the other end of the scale they may suffer anxiety that is focused on yourself as the parent. They may begin to believe that you yourself may not return to them when leaving them at either play group or school. They may become clingy and withdrawn compromising their ability to learn and maintain their friendships with their peers. They may also suffer anger and hostility towards people or may even think that the person who has died has left them because they didn’t like the child anymore so the child may see it as being their own fault. This can lead to a child growing to be very lonely and not being able to build new or maintain any sort of relationship with anyone. Separation and Divorce A child’s social and emotional development can be affected by the separation or divorce of their parents. They can come to believe that the separation is their own fault. They can experience feelings of guilt, anxiety and sadness. They may as with bereavement become withdrawn and sorrowful or hostile and angry. This factor can also make it difficult for a child to maintain relationships or make new ones. Care givers need to be available for the child should they need them for emotional support. The child may also apportion blame on to someone else within their lives, whether it be the parent that has left the family home or and new partner that the remaining parent has found. During and after this time the child in question may find it difficult to develop new or maintain any social relationships, especially while they have several different emotions going on inside them. They may find it hard to process all these possibly new emotions and find it hard to concentrate on anythi ng else. Learning Difficulties Learning difficulties come in a vast range, anything from Downs Syndrome to Dyslexia. These learning difficulties can slow the learning development of the effected child. Dyslexia sufferers have particular difficulty with reading and writing Just because a child of 4yrs can write their name and read a few words doesn’t mean that a child of the same age with dyslexia can. When we learn to read we learn to sound out the letters that make up the word. Children also have lessons in school that focus on phonics which is to help them identify the sounds in words such as igh, oo, ai. These are called phonemes. A dyslexic child has difficulty in identifying and sounding out these phonemes and so makes the whole learning process slower. This can lead to the child becoming behind in there learning to that of their peers and will need extra help in place to help them not fall so far behind in their learning. Loss of limbs or the use of senses The loss of limbs or senses can be very traumatic both emotionally and physically. Loss of limbs or senses can happen in a variety of ways such as a road traffic accident, a birth defect or severe infection. Losing a limb or senses can effect a child mentally, emotionally and physically. If the limb or sense is lost through accident a child may become angry and upset, withdrawn or even become depressed. They may feel a sense of hopelessness, worthlessness and have in appropriate guilt that the loss of limb or sense was their own fault somehow. The adjustment for a child losing a limb or senses will be an ongoing process. They may seem to be adjusting and taking everything in their stride but as the cognitive side of development grows then the child will start to understand more fully what has happened and may set them back in the adjustment process, as they begin to realise that the loss of a limb or the senses can an impact on their future lives.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Occupational Therapy Communication
Occupational Therapy Communication Abstract Occupational Therapy is a new and developing profession in the medical felid. Along with all other professions Occupational Therapy is unique to itself. It includes a specific way it is conducted and how the professionals act within the profession. Occupational Therapists need to have an understanding of the discourse, communication, resources and the style manual within the profession. Occupational Therapists also need to know and understand the history that pertains to the Occupational Therapy profession. Communication skills within the field are important for communication between others within the medical field and patients to the Occupational Therapist. Research Project DISCOURSE Academic discourse for every professional field is different. All professional fields use the same way of finding information for there discourse. This information is used towards new ideas and new research. The use of communication is an important part of discourse. Through the use of informal and formal communication professions find new ideas for research. Informal communication is done through emails, phone conversations and letters. Many professionals will use email as a way to communicate their writings that need editing or other ideas. Formal communication is done through academic journals and books. Professionals use formal communication for the use of discovering new ideas and new information for research. Professionals in the same field use the same discourse. Use of the same discourse consists of using the same communication language. Professionals also have the same understanding of there writings. Professionals with in the same field of work are considered professional communities. These communities count on each other for new information. 1 The profession of Occupational Therapy assists people in every day activities. Occupational Therapists help out the disabled and chronic ill patients. As an Occupational Therapist the core focus on helping someone is on their everyday activities that may be performed. As stated by Gelya Frank in the article Occupational Therapy Occupational Science Interdisciplinary Interest Group: A Proposal to the National Association for Practice of Anthropology, â€Å"Occupational therapy, therefore, is a profession whose focus is on enabling a person (i.e. individual client) or group of persons (i.e. group, community or an organization client) to access and participate in activities that are meaningful, purposeful and relevant to their lives, roles and sense of well being.†. (p 2) Occupational therapists are there for people who need assistance in being taught a task that might be difficult for them to do because of a disability. Writing documented records in Occupational Therapy follows the demands of ethics and laws in formal writing. The documentation of a treatment or consultation of the patient needs to be professional and well organized. Patient’s records are a private matter between the therapist and the patient. Records should be easily read. (p 3) There should be no use of negative words against the patient or the patient’s disability. Documentation in Occupational Therapy is thought to be one of the most difficult aspects of the profession. Documentation occurs after visiting with a patient, it must be clear and precise. Patients have the right to read their records from the Occupational Therapist. These records should be easily understood by patients. 3 (p 6) These documentations use keywords to point out important information from the Occupational Therapist. Included with the documentation of the visits with the patient should include a written painted picture of the patient that is easily understood by others. Professional Occupational Therapist and the patient should be able to understand the visit through the painted picture. Also included in documentation of patients are goals set by the patient and Occupational Therapist, and the plan for treatment decided by the Occupational Therapist. After every treatment there should be an evaluation of how the Occupational Therapist feels the patient is doing in the treatment plan.3 (p 5) Not only should the documentation include the painted picture, but the documentation needs to have meaning. In Pierre’s article, â€Å"Occupational Therapy as Documented in Patient’s Records,†one occupational therapist stated â€Å"There must be descriptions in running text in order to maintain a unique picture of a patient. Documentation must not be just a lot of words, but have content.†3 (p 5) The information included in documentations should be considered extremely important and an Occupational Therapist needs to spend time considering the information needed for the documentation and the context of the writing. HISTORY Moral treatment was used as a treatment for the mentally ill. Moral treatment started in the 18th and 19th century in Europe and North America. Treatment of mentally ill patients in the early 1990’s included doing everyday tasks that included house work and other activities that were thought to help someone return to normal health. These everyday tasks were called occupations. An occupation is where occupational therapy received its name. Occupational Therapy is a therapy where patients do occupations to recover. These tasks included cleaning house, different craft projects and physical activities. (p31-31) William Tuke named and founded the ideas of Moral treatment. His ideas include treating mentally ill patients as if the patient is really mentally well. Through Williams’s ideas of moral treatment he started the making of asylums for the mentally ill. These asylums were used for housing and caring of the mentally ill. (p427) Figure one is a table of the principles of moral treatment. These moral treatment principles are the ideas from the article â€Å"The relevance of moral treatment to contemporary mental health care†according to Annie Borthwick et. Al. William was the founder of these principles for moral treatment.5 (p431) 5(p431) Through the ideas of moral treatment began the formation of Occupational Therapy. Many doctors had helped contribute to the creating and establishing of Occupational Therapy schools, hospitals, books and the fundamental ideas.4(p.30) In the early 20th century young doctors and nurses generated the idea of Occupational Therapy through using moral treatment as the foundation. There principal ideas included doing everyday tasks to help with the recovery of the mentally ill. This principal was similar to the principals of moral treatment. 4(p27) In 1917 a group of young doctors come together to plan a therapy process for people with metal illness. These young doctors formed the National Association for Occupational Therapy. 4(p27) William Rush Dunton, Jr. graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in medicine. He began his work with Occupational Therapy through the principles of moral treatment for the mentally ill. Dunton worked at the Sheppard Asylum. He used William Tukes ideas for moral treatment at the Sheppard Asylum. The Sheppard Asylum promoted William Dunton to be the director of Occupational Therapy for the mentally ill. Through his experiences William Dunton was a founder and leader of the National Association of Occupational Therapy. 4(p34) Adolf Meyer received his Masters in the area of neurology from a school in Switzerland where he was a native. He immigrated to Chicago after receiving his masters. Meyer believed in the connections someone’s mind and body had. He also believed that it required thinking to do actions. He did not agree with Freud’s ideas of the mind and body. He also believed everyone’s life story affected and contributed to the person’s attitudes and behavior. He believed that a mental illness was developed from flawed habits that were learned by the person. His care included changing the flawed habit that a mentally ill patient had. Through his treatments to his patients he made the work meaningful to them. His care included making sure the patient had good care, received enough rest, and socializing among others. 4(p33) Eleanor Clark Slagle attended Hull House which was part of the Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. She was enrolled in a course of amusements and occupations. This course work was founded by Meyer Meyer. Clark started programs like Meyers in Michigan and New York through out different mental health hospitals. During World War One Clark was asked by the Chicago Red Cross to help with the training of other Red Cross nurses on Occupational Therapy. The training included therapy for soldiers who would return from war from battle fatigue and injury. She developed programs for mentally ill people through Meyer ideas. These programs included walks, activates, exercise and small group meals. 4(p36) Clark and Meyer both provide their services on Occupational Therapy training. There services were provided at the John Hopkins University in the Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic. 4(p36) Herbert James Hall graduated in 1895 from Harvard Medical School as a general practitioner. Hall thought that working with crafts would help mental ill patients. He believed that through crafts patients could not fail. This gave patients the feeling of becoming successful and not failing. Crafts also diverted the minds of patients from their mental illness. Hall was also the founding father of The Boston School of Occupational Therapy in 1918. Herbert also was an author of some of the first books in Occupational Therapy. 4(p28) Susan Elizabeth Tracy was a nursing student who attending and graduated from Massachusetts Horneopathic Hospital. While working at a hospital Tracy found that patients who participated in hospital activities improved faster than those who did not participate in hospital activities. Tracy used occupational treatment when she began practicing her own private nursing. Tracy started her own experimental study of occupations in a Jamaica Plain Hospital. Her courses are considered the first organized classes in Occupational Therapy education. Tracy believed that therapy needed to engage the patients in activities that captured there attention. These therapy activities also needed to hold some kind of meaning to the patients. 4(p38) In early Occupational Therapy it was believed the patients needed to have the motivation to recover. Early Occupational Therapy was based on therapy through occupations. Occupations included crafts, activities, games, and any physical activities. Early occupational therapy found it important that the occupation would pertain to the patient’s life. Occupational Therapy in the beginning also included the focus of how the occupation pertained to the patient’s life and health. Also the focus was on how the occupation could be used as a therapy. Motivation had a strong importance on emphasizing the occupations. Many doctors felt encouragement through therapy was also needed by the doctor and family members. 4(p43) During the 1940’s through the 1950’s there was a strong urge that Occupational Therapy take medicine in to consideration. During this time many Occupational Therapists were forced to go in coalition with medicine. Occupational Therapy field moved to the use of medical terms when caring for a patient. Occupational Therapist had to use concepts that were taken from the practice of medicine.4(p55) Starting in the early 1960’s Occupational Therapy changed because of new technology and more information of the human body. Occupational Therapists were able to detect psychological problems of patients because of the new theories of the human body. During this time body functions and impairments were clarified. In the 1960’s scientific terms were used in the occupational therapy work place. There was also a better understand the emotional issues with patients who were mentally ill. 4(p54-55) After the 1960’s Occupational Therapist realized that through the medical intervention many of the original ideas of Occupational Therapy were lost. Many doctors of Occupational Therapy found that there was no connection between the activities used in therapy compared to the names given to them from the medical terminology. Occupational Therapy almost lost its identity by trying to identity if self with medicine. Because of misidentification Occupational Therapists have gone back to the use of occupations as treatments as it was at the development of Occupational Therapy.4(p54-55) RESOURCES There are many resources offered to Occupational Therapist. Resources include websites, academic journals, videos, newsletters, and memberships to many Occupational Therapy organizations. Websites include the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association, the American Occupational Therapy Foundation, and National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy. Academic journals include American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Journal of American Medical Association and other medical journals. The Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association website gives members many opportunities and special options. A member of the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association grants any Minnesotan Occupational Therapist access to many databases, libraries, videos, newsletters, and publications. These other databases include American Medical Association, National Association of Home Care, Sensory Integration International, National Rehabilitation Information Center, and American Academy of Pediatrics. Government Agencies are also offered through being a member of the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association Website. 6 These government agencies include Medicare, Medline, and Occupational Outlook Handbook. Publications are another Resource that Occupational Therapist can use for new information. 6 Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association website offers three publication links. These links include ADVANCE for Occupational Therapy Practitioners, Merck Manual of DX and The Neuroscience Center. Other Occupational Therapy sites provided by the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association include Occupational Therapy Internet World, Skills for the Job Living, and Occupational 6 Becoming a member of the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association includes other advantages. Members receive the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association newsletter quarterly. Students who are part of Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association attending to school to become an Occupational Therapist have the option of becoming a member. Student members have the opportunity to apply for scholarships. Members receive discounted prices in any conferences that are held for Occupational Therapist in Minnesota. Through the use of the membership members have the opportunity to communicate with each other for new information and new research options. Members of the association have voting rights to decide how the association will be organized and operated. A member also includes being recognized for contributions for Occupational Therapy within Minnesota. These are the main benefits for joining the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association. 6 Another option on the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association web site includes employment opportunities. The site offers many job listings for the use of Occupational Therapist who are members of the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association. Other Occupational Therapists and businesses have the option to post job listings on the web site. 6 The American Occupational Therapy Foundation is another resource for Occupational Therapist. This resource supplies Occupational Therapist with opportunities for research funding. Through the use of this web site it was hoped to build a better understanding of Occupational Therapy science. There is also a scholarship provided for any Occupational Therapy student. The American Occupational Therapy Foundation provides awards for research in Occupational Therapy. The site provides recognition to Occupational Therapists that have shown renowned contributions for Occupational Therapy science. American Occupational Therapy Association helped to build the foundation needed to build the American Occupational Therapy Foundation. 7 National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. is a resource for graduated Occupational Therapist. Occupational Therapist must complete all required Field work along with the educational program to join the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy. The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy requires that Occupational Therapist pass there examination to be certified. This exam tests the skills, understanding and abilities of all Occupational Therapist. National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy is a non-profit organization that administers the certifying of Occupational Therapist. Along with the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association the American Occupational Therapy Foundation is a not-profit organization. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy is one of the many academic journals that Occupational Therapist can use. Included in this journal are researched peer-read articles from professional Occupational Therapist. These articles include information that is theory-based and theoretical research. Occupational Therapist can use this information towards new ideas; other research projects and there own patients. The American Medical Association Journal offers information on general medical reviewed articles. There main objective is to promote the art of medicine and to help make public health better for all. These journals provide Occupational Therapist with the newest research available to them in medicine. Other journals Occupational Therapists may refer to are journals based on pediatrics, autism, ADHD, learning disorders, psychology, and neurology. Depending on where an Occupational Therapist may work will determine which journals will be read. An Occupational Therapist working with children will read journals on pediatrics along with other medical and Occupational Therapy Journals. These are the many resources offered to Occupational Therapists. These recourses include academic journals, web sites, and organizations. Occupational Therapists have the option to join many organizations to better the understanding of Occupational Therapy science to others and to gain benefits for themselves. Through the use of these recourses Occupational Therapists communicate there new ideas and the new research information. COMMUNICATION To become a well developed and successful Occupational Therapist many qualities are needed. These qualities include great interpersonal, writing, grammar, public speaking, and computer skills. Some of these skills can be learned from other experienced Occupational Therapist and others are learned with work experience. During an email interview with Nancy Klassen, member of Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists and an Occupational Therapist Registered(OTR) (written communication, March 2008), gave me a handful of information pertaining to the communication skills of Occupational Therapist. Through her experiences as an Occupational Therapist she has found that as an Occupational Therapist many qualities are needed. Through this paper many of her ideas will be shared with the readers. Interpersonal skills are required for Occupational Therapist to communicate with others who are involved with the patients care and treatment plans. Communicating with others includes children’s parents, specialists, educators, and childcare providers. An Occupational Therapist may need to have an informational meeting with parents and others involved in the client’s life to educate and instruct on the best treatment plan care for the client. An Occupational Therapist must be able to communicate in a tactful, clear way to make others understand the information given to them on the treatment of the patient (Klassen, written communication). Occupational Therapist will have opportunities to share research information with other co-workers. Communicating with other Occupational Therapist includes sharing new research information, medical information on clients, and discussions on client progression. As an Occupational Therapists who work in a team might have to give presentation on clients at team meetings (Klassen, written communication). Occupational Therapist may need to prepare and give seminars or presentations. During these seminars Occupational Therapist may have the option of presenting new research information, new program ideas and other ideas that may pertain to assisting other Occupational Therapist (Klassen, written communication). As an Occupational Therapist writing is a skill that will be used to write reports. Reports will be presented to other Occupational Therapist, social workers, schools, children’s hospitals, physicians, and the client’s parents. Other written material includes progress notes, and letter writing. During a clients treatment time with an Occupational Therapist progress notes or progress charts need to be taken. These reports are taken right after the treatment session with the Occupational Therapist. These reports are put in to the personal file of the patients. Evaluations may also be done on a patient. Evaluations are used for placement of a patient in school or other education programs that best fit the ability of the patient (Klassen, written communication). Proposals, handouts, and request are another type of documentation Occupational Therapist may have to write. An Occupational Therapist may have new ideas for research or treatment plans, which would require a proposal. Handouts are given to teachers, social workers, parent’s of the client, and others who may want to be educated on the treatment plan and the disability of the client. Handouts can include pamphlets, brochures, and medical research papers. Through the knowledge of an Occupational Therapist there maybe the need to request funding for a research program from the government and other non-profit companies that may support new research in Occupational Therapy (Klassen, written communication). Along with the requirement of writing proposals, progress reports, and handouts Occupational Therapist are required to have great grammar skills and spelling skills. Occupational Therapist Nancy Klassen thought it was important to have a vast vocabulary. Through the writings Occupational Therapist need to use vocabulary as an essential factor towards the credibility an Occupational Therapist may have. Grammar and a vast vocabulary are important to help with the explanation on treatment plans and other medical terminology that maybe used for the patients disability (Klassen, written communication). Presentations may need to be presented from Occupational Therapist requires public speaking skills. An Occupational Therapist needs to be able to give information to a group of other Occupational Therapist, parents, physicians, social workers, and educators. The wide rage of knowledge from the listens’ can not limit an Occupational Therapist on the information that is given to the group during the presentation. Presentations include presenting new ideas and new research to other Occupational Therapist. Another form of presentations includes delivering information on a treatment plan to the family and educators who interact with a patient (Klassen, written communication). Many Occupational Therapists communicate using telephone or email. Through the use of a computer email is an easy way to communicate with people within the same office or on a patient’s treatment. Occupational Therapist may need to get a hold of educators for a patient. The World Wide Web seems to be an easy and speedy way for interactions between different people (Klassen, written communication). Klassen, ORT, believes that social skills are the most important part of an Occupational Therapist. She felt that social skills can lead an Occupational Therapist to successfulness. Another aspect Klassen, OTR, felt Occupational Therapist must have the ability to teach the information in a meaningful and clear manner to others (Klassen, written communication). Through emailing Klassen, OTR, these are the ideas that she felt Occupational Therapist must posses to become successful in the medical field as an Occupational Therapist (Klassen, written communication). STYLE Each profession provides a style manual for that occupation. This means there are many different style manuals. Occupational Therapists use the American Medical Association Manual of Style (AMA). AMA is on its 10th edition which was newly updated in 2007. American Psychological Association (APA) is a commonly used manual within colleges and high schools. APA is on its 5th edition which was updated as of 2003. Looking through these two different style manuals I found many differences. Some of the major differences included the use of terms, numbers, and the reference list. AMA is a medical manual which serves for a person who is in the medical field where as APA is used for psychologist and literature workers along with a few other professions. AMA seemed to focus more of the manuals attention on using measurements, numbers, statistic, typography, medical indexes, and manuscript preparation. APA focused more on the design, grammar, and gender12. AMA references are important within a research paper. Reference list provides readers with acknowledgements, where additional information on the topic can be found, and providing more support for a researcher’s paper. A reference list needs to be complete and in the correct format so all medical profession can understand the meaning of the reference page. Thoroughness of the reference page can aid another researcher to farther there knowledge on the topic read in the research paper. Within in the reference list misspelling of last names, Journal names, internet sites, along with incorrect page numbers. AMA style manual also suggest reading the primary source when writing a research paper where a writer may take a secondary source from another paper11. The reference list within an AMA style manual research paper should be number. Arabic number system should be used when doing the reference list. The reference list goes in order of from when the reference is used. This means that the first reference used would the first reference on the resource page. This does not involve using last name as an alphabetical order reference list. It is strictly by when it is used11. APA’s style manual is used to identify reference used within the paper. The reference list is only used to cite any sources used within the paper. As an author, of an APA format paper, there is a need to check over the reference list and cited sources to make sure both appear with in the paper. The citations with in a paper along with the reference list needs to be correct and the same for each reference. If there is a misspelled word or an incorrect writing within a manuscript the author of the paper is at cost for the mistake. The reference list needs to be in alphabetical order. Alphabetical order starts with the first author’s last name in a reference. If there are multiple authors with the same last name the next letter to use is the first initial of the first name of the author’s12. Abbreviations maybe used within an AMA style manual paper. If many abbreviations are being used within one paper it may become confusing for people reading the paper. Abbreviations are acceptable if one word will be used multiple times within the same paper. This will save space within the paper as well. Some instructors may put a limit on how many abbreviations may be used within one paper11. Ideal use of abbreviations includes numerous terms. Academic degrees along with certificates and some kind of honor can be abbreviated within a paper. Within the United States military titles are another form that can be abbreviated with in an AMA style manual paper. A few other potential words that can be abbreviated include days of the week, addresses, states, countries, and titles of people11. Within an APA paper many instructors prefer that abbreviations are used sparingly. APA instructors feel abbreviations affect the flow of a paper if to many are used. Abbreviations in a paper include measurements, time, and, chemical compounds. APA does accept abbreviations that are offend used. An example from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association included â€Å"IQ, REM, ESP, AIDS†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 12(105). APA style allows the use of numbers to be kept as numerals and not written out in certain situations. APA style believes it is easier to follow numerals than written out numbers. A few instances where numbers can be kept as numerals include a mixed fraction, measure of time, temperature measurements, and a measurement of a currency12. Numbers that should be written out according to the APA style include the beginning of a sentence. This also includes if it is a title, or a heading. Other written out numbers include one when it is used as a pronoun within a sentence, and when a number is being used to rank items or people11. APA style’s rule towards the use of number includes written and numerals. If a number is below 10 it should be written out. If a number is above 10 it can be written out as a number. Within a paper numerals and written numbers can be combined. An example of this would be 6 million. The six is in a form of a numeral, but the million is written out11. AMA and APA style manuals have identical formats. Both of these styles include a title page for the article, an abstract, the paper, and than a resource page. Within the paper it is where the differences of these two different style manuals com into play. A paper written in the style manual AMA includes subheadings that are in all capitalized letters where as an APA style manual does not. In APA the first letter of the subheading is the only letter capitalized. The resource page for the style manuals is also very different. Each style manual has there own way to cite and reference articles11, 12. CONCLUSION Occupational Therapy is a great medical field that is used to help patients improve skills that maybe hard for them. It is also a challenging profession that requires the knowledge of many skills that will be used when working. Occupational Therapists discourse is important towards the building and developing of new research within the profession. Discourse is done through the use of different communication with other Occupational Therapist and other medical doctors. Occupational Therapy is a newer field that started in the early 1900’s. During the beginning Occupational Therapy was used for solders and mentally the ill. Through history Occupational Therapy has changed its way of caring and understand the use of occupations for patients. Now Occupational Therapy is used to assistant many other people who have disabilities. Many resources can be used by Occupational Therapist to gain more knowledge for the profession. There are many resources Occupational Therapist can use. Res ources include websites, academic journals, and Occupational Therapy associations. Occupational Therapists need to have a vast understanding and use of communication skills. A
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